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6. N�W BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />b. Preliminary Policies and Objectives of St. Joseph PRELIMINARY POLICIES <br />River Corridor Study, R- 6: Mr. Lennon advised on September 22,AND OBJECTIVES OF <br />Polic es and Objectives of the St. Joseph River Corridor ST. JOSEPH RIVER <br />Study, as it relates to our Downtown Project Area, from CORRIDOR STUDY, R -66 <br />Lawson Associates, were mailed to the Commission. <br />This nvolves twelve (12) policies and eleven (11) objec- <br />tives which need to be accepted to move on to the planning <br />stage.,. The policies relate to both sides of the River <br />Bank. We are mainly concerned about the West side, as it <br />relat (s to our downtown project. This item will be dis- <br />cusse under Progress Report, 7e -1) for the East River Bank <br />Proje t. <br />On mo ion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous13 carried, the Preliminary Policies and Objectives of <br />the S1. Joseph River Corridor Study were accepted as sub - <br />mitte . <br />c. Acquisition Parcel No. 12 -16: Mr. Lennon advised <br />the S . Joseph Agency, Inc. is planning to construct a six - <br />story office complex to house, as a major tenant, the I.B.M. <br />Corpo ation, on Lot 49 of the original plat of South Bend. <br />We are presently putting in a service drive, 29 ft. wide <br />west of Lot 49 and 40 ft. wide along the south side of Lot <br />49. In order for them to construct the footings for their <br />building, it would be necessary to remove 10 to 15 feet <br />of the service drive. It would be in the best interest <br />of all concerned to delete 10 to 15 feet of paving along <br />both the west and south sides of Lot 49 from the Howell <br />Construction Co., Inc. contract. St. Joseph Agency, Inc. <br />guarantees to pay the Department of Redevelopment any <br />difference in cost between paving the service drive in <br />1973 a d the cost of having it paved in 1974 when the <br />I.B.M. building is expected to be completed. <br />In addition, they will gravel the existing surface to <br />make tie drive usable for construction efforts, as well <br />as service to the parking lot. They will gravel the exist- <br />ing su face to make it usable. <br />On mot on by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mously carried, the deletion of 10 to 15 feet of the service <br />drive aving is to be deleted, per the above. <br />d. Amendment to Joint Venture Contract: This contract <br />is with Environmental Planning and Design and Clyde E. <br />Williams & Associates, Inc., consultants for the Pedestrian <br />Way, Phase III, R -66. The consultants have completed the <br />work arid we have all the specifications and design work for <br />the blocks blocks from Jefferson Street to Colfax on file. Our <br />attorn ys have checked this work and concur the consultants <br />ACQUISITION PARCEL <br />NO. 12 -16, R -66 <br />AMENDMENT TO JOINT <br />VENTURE CONTRACT <br />APPROVED, R -66 <br />