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5. OLD BUSINESS <br />a Beck's Lake Secondary Storm Water Outlet Sewer, R -57: <br />Mr. L nnon advised this bid was received and discussed at <br />lengti in our prior Commission meeting. It was advertised <br />in Th South Bend Tribune and Tri- County News on September <br />7 and 14, 1973, as certified, with bid opening on September <br />28, 1)73, at 10:00 a.m., E.S.T., in the Department of Re- <br />devel pment. The only bid received was from H. De Wulf <br />Mecha ical Contractor, Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, in bid <br />amoun of $66,990.00. <br />The C mmission felt some engineering designs could be changed <br />resul ing in a reduced rate, and to negotiate with De Wulf <br />Mecha ical Contractor, Inc. On October 11, Mr. David A. <br />Wells Manager of the Bureau of Design and Administration, <br />Depar ment of Public Works, and Mr. De. Wulf went over each <br />item. Mr. De Wulf submitted his revised bid yesterday <br />after oon - -if it meets with Commission approval - -in amount <br />of $41,430.00, with the attached revised plans, less the <br />optional restoration of right -of -way, in amount of $3,500.00, <br />for work deleted from the contract, which the City will do <br />at no charge to us, or work revision totalling $37,930.00 <br />with . De Wulf Mechanical Contractor, Inc. This 'is a great <br />savin s at this time. Mr. Wiggins said this is now in line <br />with he engineering estimate. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mous) carried, The Beck's Lake Secondary Storm Water Outlet <br />Sewer contract is awarded to H. De Wulf Mechanical Contractor, <br />Inc., in revised bid amount of $37,930.00, as per attached <br />revised plans, and the President and Secretary authorized to <br />execu a the contract, subject to Legal Counsel approval and <br />HUD c ncurrence. <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />BECK'S LAKE SECONDARY <br />STORM WATER OUTLET <br />SEWER CONTRACT AWARDED <br />TO: H. DE WULF MECHAN- <br />ICAL CONTRACTOR, INC., <br />R -57 <br />a. Demolition & Site Clearance Contract No. 34: Author- DEMOLITION & SITE <br />izati n was requested for the President and Secretary to execute CLEARANCE CONTRACT <br />Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 34, awarded to Jack- NO. 34 AUTHORIZED <br />son Wrecking Company, Rochester, Indiana, in bid amount of FOR EXECUTION, <br />$10,996.00, R -66 Project. R -66 <br />Mr. Lennon advised we have received concurrence from HUD. This <br />is on the Dan Clark property and Jackson Wrecking,Company was <br />the low bidder at the time. Jackson's insurance and bonding <br />have been approved., <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, and unani- <br />mously carried, the President and Secretary were authorized to <br />executo Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 34. <br />- 7 - <br />