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5. OLp BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Mr. Le non said the demolition will not be started until <br />everyt ing is in order. In response to Mr. Wiggins' ques- <br />tion oi whether the successful demolition contractor has <br />been alerted that the actual work is imminent, Mr. Lennon <br />replie the contractor was in yesterday with his bond, <br />the in urance is being processed and there is no problem. <br />The Ci y Controller's office has been alerted to the <br />claim. <br />Mr. Sw eney advised the reporters the facts will be avail- <br />able f om the Court after Tuesday. <br />With Dan Clark agreeing to withdraw his objections to the <br />court-appointed appraisers and the injunction suit on <br />Friday afternoon, September 21, there was no need to have <br />the Special Commission meeting, and, consequently, was <br />cancel ed. <br />b. Jefferson Street Alternate, R -66: Mr. Lennon ad- <br />vised it meeting was held yesterday in this office with <br />37 individuals present, including bank presidents the <br />store owners involved in the entire Colfax, representatives <br />for transportation, police, fire and public utilities, as <br />it rel tes to Jefferson Street one -way to two -way system. <br />The uniform consensus of opinion was to present and re- <br />commen to the Commission that it is cheaper to go with a <br />two-wa3 system on Jefferson Street for the two blocks, and <br />a year or two later, if desired, revert back to one -way, <br />than gc one -way now and then revert to two -way. This re- <br />quest is just to give authority to go ahead with the under- <br />ground work -- installation of electrical pipes and everything <br />needed to complete Jefferson Street as a two -way system. <br />The recommendation is for the Commission to authorize The <br />Hickey Construction Company to proceed with the Jefferson <br />Street alternate for a two -way system. Our Mall consultants <br />havechecked with the Traffic Division and Area Plan's re- <br />ports on Transportation and Land Use Plan for South Bend <br />and th Urban Area Transportation Study of 1970 and are in <br />comple a agreement and recommend the above authorization. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams and unani- <br />mously carried, implementation of the recommendations noted <br />above were authorized. <br />6. NEWI BUSINESS <br />JEFFERSON STREET <br />ALTERNATE, R -66 <br />a. reck's Lake Secondar Storm Water Outlet Sewer, R -57: BECK'S LAKE SECONDARY <br />This wa v�7ancl ised in The South Bend Tribune and Tri- County, STORM WATER OUTLET <br />on Sept r 14, 1973, with certification noted. The SEWER, R -57 <br />- 7 - <br />