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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd) <br />e. merry' Avenue Pro ress'R0p6rt: Mr. Lawrence E. Wartha, MERRY AVENUE PROGRESS <br />Assistant Director, Administration and Finance, submitted his REPORT <br />writt n status of this Project for the month of August „ updated: <br />ning: First reading August 10, 1973. <br />f. Property Mana ement'Re ort: Mr, John A. Kotzenmacher, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />Direc or o Property Management, submitted his written report REPORT <br />for th month of August: <br />The total rent receipts collected for the month of August <br />was: $5,849.51. One tenant, Blue Note Lounge, received <br />Notice to Vacate premises no later than September 14, 1973; <br />R -66 Project. <br />R -57 Plroject: Total rent receipts collected for month of <br />Augus was $74.50. <br />I . Real Estate Acquisition, A -10: This report was <br />submitted by Mr. William J. Parrish, Real Estate Officer, <br />for th month of August: <br />MN #1: <br />Parcel to be acquired 35 <br />Deed signed to Department 4 <br />Options signed 9 13 <br />Balance to be acquired 22 <br />SE #1: <br />Parcels to be acquired 70 <br />Dead signed to Department 3 <br />Option signed 7 <br />City of South Bend 12 22 <br />Balance to be acquired 48 <br />RECAP: <br />To al A -10 properties to be acquired 105 <br />De id signed to Department 7 <br />Op ion signed 16 <br />Ci y of South Bend 12 35 <br />Balance to be acquired 70 <br />h. <br />Elliso <br />wri tte <br />REAL ESTATE <br />ACQUISITION, A -10 <br />Rehabilitation Report, Site Offices: Mr, William C. REHABILITATION REPORTS, <br />i, Assistant Director of Rehabilitation, submitted his E -5, E -6 & R -57 <br />i report for August: <br />- 19 - <br />