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7. PROGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />d. 1. DowntoWh'Rehabilitatioh','R-66: Mr. Edwin R, Bauer, DOWNTOWN REHABILITA- <br />Rehabilitation Architect, submitted his written report for the TION, R -66 <br />month f August: <br />1) Work at the new Postal Facility is virtually complete. <br />List of building deficiencies will be corrected. <br />2) Royal Inns has been completed and the food and beverage <br />facilities opened. The electrical contractor has been <br />working with concerned parties to rectify the emergency <br />li hting system which is to be battery operated to meet <br />Fi a Department Standards. <br />3) OfFice Engineers has refinished the store front at 116 <br />So th Michigan Street. Masonry contractor has completed <br />service entrance at rear of the East Hibberd Court Annex. <br />Th steel has been erected for the second floor and roof. <br />Fi ished brickwork has begun on the store front and freight <br />el vator shaft complete to upper level. <br />4) <br />J. <br />.S. Annex, 123 West Washington Street, second floor <br />fr <br />ming and roofing completed; masonry window frames and <br />gl <br />zing complete at upper level; air handling units in- <br />stilled <br />at North end facing service drive; marble bulkheads <br />ani <br />marble column enclosures to be completed this week for <br />Ra <br />mussen's first floor store front. Interior partitioning <br />60o <br />complete and the shop should be ready for occupancy <br />early <br />November. <br />5) <br />Th <br />mson & McKinnon, brokerage firm, formerly located at 113 <br />W. <br />Jefferson Boulevard, has completed its new enlarged space <br />on <br />the third floor, J.M.S. Building, 108 N. Main Street. The <br />expansion <br />move took place at the end of August. <br />6) <br />Av <br />n Theatre exterior design has hiet with general approval. <br />Co <br />t estimates range from $10,900.00 to $16,500.00. <br />7) Ci <br />ar <br />So <br />an <br />ti <br />ga <br />ad <br />th <br />Cl <br />en <br />si <br />th <br />Ac Center preliminary site plans were reviewed by the <br />:hitects, Johnson and Burgee, on their recent visit to <br />ith Bend. Their plan calls for a 400 -seat auditorium <br />I Antique Automobile Museum to house the Studebaker collec- <br />in, the Art Center, and the Convention Hall. The center <br />lery is terraced down to the water's edge; taking full <br />,antage of view, i„e. dam, locks, island, raceway with <br />hing white water and the proposed pedestrian path along <br />water front. On the lower level, they have incorporated <br />�ssrooms, Arts and Crafts and Administrative Offices. The <br />Are center is oriented to take maximum advantage of the <br />;e, with future expansion (when needed) to be built on <br />southern extreme of the property, <br />