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7. PROGRESS <br />a Preliminar Renderings on Avon Theatre: Mr. Lennon PRELIMINARY RENDER- <br />presented the preliminary renderings on the Avon Theatre and INGS ON AVON THEATRE, <br />how il will look if the firm agrees to do so. Mr. Anderson R -66 <br />will te submitting the cost estimates later this afternoon. <br />They ave agreed to rehabilitate it. <br />Our Urban Design Review Committee will be meeting on the re- <br />quire ents. <br />b. Sculpture Play Reports: The architects have reviewed <br />the r quests from the Art Center. We have Phil Simonds' com- <br />ments and the Commission has accepted the proposals, with the <br />exception of the radius of 50 miles for artists. We feel basi- <br />cally that the contest should be available to anyone in the coun- <br />try, as it will help South Bend. The Sculptural Committee wants <br />one sculptural play area. The Committee suggested by the Art <br />Center--three people - -was agreeable to the Commission, and we <br />would add one of our staff and one of Environmental Planning <br />and Design. We will come back to the Art Center group. <br />Mrs. Sandy Greenhut, representing the South Bend Art Associa- <br />tion, vanted to know the reasons for not limiting the competi- <br />tion f r the 50 -mile radius, as they want local artists to <br />compet for this. <br />SCULPTURE PLAY <br />REPORTS, R -66 <br />Mr. Wi gins said we are in favor of that; however, this whole <br />projec is both a Federal and a Local Project, with 2/3's being <br />suppli d by the Federal Government. This money is derived from <br />the Fe eral Government from taxes all over the country. We could <br />be in position of making it a local event, without the authority. <br />We cou d jeopardize the whole deal. The chances are applications <br />will nit be forthcoming from other areas for that scope. <br />C. Business Relocation: Mr. John A. Kotzenmacher, BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />Business Relocation Director, submitted his written report for R -66 <br />the month of August, 1973,-with the following business reloca- <br />tions claims paid: <br />Moyinq Expenses: <br />Vogue School of Beauty Culture $ 15,500.61 <br />One Hour Martinizing 1,680.00 <br />Di ct Loss of Property: <br />Vogue School of Beauty Culture 3,304.92 <br />Searching Expense: <br />Vogue School of Beauty Culture 488.00 <br />Alternate Payments: <br />Main Coney Island Lunch 10,000.00 <br />Ault Camera Sloop 102000.00 <br />Total ...... $ 40,973.53 <br />- 17 - <br />