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6. NSW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />1. National Power Rodding Corporation: Authorization NATIONAL POWER <br />was r quested for a special contract with the National Power RODDING CORPORATION <br />Roddi g Corporation, in amount of $725.00, to furnish the neces- APPROVED, R -57 <br />sary labor, supervision and equipment to inspect by use of closed <br />circuit television equipment, approximately 554 linear feet of <br />18 in (h sanitary sewer, in the 100 block of South Dundee Street, <br />known as the Dundee Street Northwest Trunk Sewer. Because of <br />the conditions, this was requested by our City Engineer. We <br />are adding some connector sewers and because of the conditions, <br />we wo ld like a television camera through that area to see where <br />the s Tabs are. Another firm contacted was not interested in <br />submi ting a bid for this work. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous13 carried, the National Power Rodding Corporation was <br />autho ized to do the above work, in amount not to exceed <br />$725. 0, R -57. <br />m. Option Agreement: Approval was requested of one OPTION AGREEMENT <br />Optio Agreement, for Parcel No. 19 -5, in amount of $5,350.00, APPROVED, PARCEL <br />in th LaSalle Park Urban Renewal Project, R -57. NO. 19 -5, R -57 <br />On mo ion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mous) carried, the above - listed Option Agreement was author- <br />ized. <br />n. National Model City/Community City/Community Development Directors <br />Association: Mr. Lennon informed the Commission in memo dated <br />August 31, 1973, that he has been appointed the Chairman of the <br />National Citizens Participation Committee for the National Model <br />City/ Community Development Directors Association and will con- <br />tinue to serve on the Executive Committee of this national <br />organization. <br />Mr. Lennon said he has been a member of the National Board for <br />the past four (4) years- -since its inception and feels this is <br />a great help to our City, as it usually gives us 60 to 90 days <br />lead time information on pending legislation as it relates to <br />Redevelopment, Model Cities and Community Development Acts. <br />If the Commission concurs with this appointment, it would mean <br />that he would be going to Washington once every other month <br />or so, usually one -day trips. These are called sometimes <br />without advance notice and it would be difficult to obtain prior <br />permission from the Commission at times. <br />President Helmen asked if this is our responsibility, or if it <br />can be prorated between this Department and the City? Mr. <br />Lennon said it can be prorated between this Department and <br />Community Development and he would be happy to do it that way. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mously carried, Mr. Lennon was authorized to attend the above <br />meetings, with expenses to be prorated between the Department <br />Redevelopment and Community Development. <br />- 15 - <br />NATIONAL MODEL <br />CITY /COMMUNITY <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />DIRECTORS ASSN. <br />ATTENDANCE BY <br />DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED <br />