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6. NSW BUSINESS'(Cont'd <br />M . Lennon requested Commission authorization for the <br />e )tension of time for the record, as we did not withdraw <br />t e condemnation suit pending major construction to be <br />s arted by September 1 and actual construction started by <br />S pt. 20. It would be very costly now to start the build - <br />i g and wait until the steel comes in. They are proposing <br />g oundbreaking October, or the 1st of November. Six weeks <br />tc put in a foundation, basement walls, footings, all the <br />anchor bolts and then be ready to receive the steel. The <br />anchor bolts are not ordered, as yet; they are waiting for <br />t e shop drawings to be returned. The critical point is <br />t e structural steel; it will be six weeks before they <br />r ceive the first steel and can start construction. <br />Mr. Wiggins made the motion we comply with the request, <br />seconded by Mr. Chenney and unanimously carried. <br />f. Change Order No. 4 to Phase II -C, R -66: Commission <br />approval was requested to authorize Howell Construction Company <br />to demolish the vault on Washington Street and install the side- <br />walk and curb, and backfill, together with construction of Ser- <br />vice Drive No. 2 north from Washington Street, with an increase <br />to contract amount not to exceed $4,000.00, as Change Order No. <br />4 to Phase II -C, R -66. <br />We hav received a bid of $750.00 to demolish the vault. This <br />is inc uded in the $4,000.00 maximum figure. Mr. Oesterling <br />assure the Commission that $4,000.00 would be maximum for this <br />work. <br />Mr. Le non advised this is in the area behind Wyman's and finish- <br />ing the work behind Business Systems and Office Engineers. The <br />delay Was the J.M.S. Annex Building where the prefabricated <br />steel Was in the way and Howell Construction Company could not <br />comple a the work. They are in position to do the work the <br />first f next week. Howell Construction Company has his equip- <br />ment aid men in the area and the price is cheaper than going <br />on a bid process and have further delays. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mously carried, Change Order No. 4 to Phase II -C, in amount <br />not to exceed $4,000.00, was approved with Howell Construction <br />Compan . <br />9 <br />Change Order No. 12 to Phase I, R -66: Commission ap- <br />proval was requested to comply with HUD regulations to place <br />sidewalks and curbs with curb cuts and entrance drives to meet <br />the City standards around and to all disposition parcels. City <br />Engineer and Traffic Engineer have requested that we continue the <br />curb a d sidewalk across the Monroe Street access at old Columbia <br />Street and also request demolition and placement of curb and <br />sidewalk at the west end of the Jefferson Street bridge. They <br />11 <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 4 <br />TO PHASE II -C AP- <br />PROVED, R -66 <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 12 <br />TO PHASE I APPROVED, <br />R -66 <br />