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4. <br />0 <br />COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd) <br />t monies for rehabilitation grants to homeowners, in <br />Model Cities Code Enforcement Project, Ind. E -5. <br />Mr. Lennon advised this item is under "Old Business" 5a, for <br />Com ission authorization to execute these contracts. <br />f. HUD letter dated June 13, 1973: This letter, over WAGE RATE DECISION <br />the signature of Mr. Daniel B. Bowman, Assistant Director, RECEIVED FOR DEMOL- <br />Tec nical Services Branch, submitted Wage Rate Decision, ITION CONTRACT NO. <br />including a modification #1, dated March 16, 1973, to cover 32, R -66. <br />our Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 32, Ind. R -66. <br />Mr. <br />The <br />of <br />Lennon advised this work will begin over the weekend. <br />contract was awarded to Julius O'Neal Trucking Company <br />outh Bend. <br />c. HUD letter dated June 6, 1973: This letter, over <br />EXECUTED CONTRACT <br />th <br />signature of Mr. Keith W. Lerch, Attorney Advisor, was <br />IND. A- 10(LG) RE- <br />re <br />eived with a mutually executed counterpart of Contract <br />CEIVED <br />In(. <br />A- 10(LG), dated June 5, 1973, along with instructions <br />an <br />forms for executing a loan note for this Project. <br />CONTRACTS 1, 3 & 4, <br />Mr. <br />Lennon advised this is also covered by a resolution <br />THE HICKEY CO., INC, <br />un <br />er New Business, 6i, for Commission adoption (No. 449). <br />that <br />d. HUD letter dated June 7, 1973: This letter, over <br />SUBMISSION OF <br />the <br />signature of Mr. Keith W. Lerch, Attorney Advisor, re- <br />AMENDATORY CONTRACT <br />quests <br />adoption of a resolution authorizing and directing <br />NO. 2, TO CONTRACT <br />the <br />local execution of the amendment submitted by HUD pro- <br />IND. R- 66(LG) <br />posed <br />for Contract Ind. R- 66(LG). <br />This <br />is covered under Item 6m, Resolution No. 453, which <br />approves <br />and directs execution of Amendatory Contract No. 2 <br />with <br />the United States of America for the Central Downtown <br />Project, <br />Ind. R -66. <br />Mr. Lennon advised this item is under "Old Business" 5a, for <br />Com ission authorization to execute these contracts. <br />f. HUD letter dated June 13, 1973: This letter, over WAGE RATE DECISION <br />the signature of Mr. Daniel B. Bowman, Assistant Director, RECEIVED FOR DEMOL- <br />Tec nical Services Branch, submitted Wage Rate Decision, ITION CONTRACT NO. <br />including a modification #1, dated March 16, 1973, to cover 32, R -66. <br />our Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 32, Ind. R -66. <br />Mr. <br />The <br />of <br />Lennon advised this work will begin over the weekend. <br />contract was awarded to Julius O'Neal Trucking Company <br />outh Bend. <br />e. HUD letter dated June 13, 1973: This letter, over <br />HUD CONCURS IN <br />the <br />signature of Mr. Mark L. Griffin, Chief, Architectural <br />MALL,CONTRACT <br />& Engineering, <br />states HUD concurs in awarding Contracts <br />AWARD TO: <br />No. <br />I, 3 and 4, to The Hickey Company, Inc., in the amount of <br />$2,B15,348.00, <br />with the condition HUD is to review all of the <br />CONTRACTS 1, 3 & 4, <br />subcontracts <br />for the specific intent to review the percentage <br />THE HICKEY CO., INC, <br />of <br />retainage to be held by Hickey, and the periods for which <br />that <br />retainage is to be held. <br />CONTRACT 2, <br />Als <br />, HUD concurs in awarding Contract No. 2 to Exterior De- <br />EXTERIOR DESIGNING, <br />INC. <br />signing, <br />Inc., in the amount of $206,474.00 for landscaping. <br />A Pre-Construction <br />Conference was requested in this letter <br />and <br />same was held, in Indianapolis, on July 21, and concur - <br />ren <br />a received. <br />Mr. Lennon advised this item is under "Old Business" 5a, for <br />Com ission authorization to execute these contracts. <br />f. HUD letter dated June 13, 1973: This letter, over WAGE RATE DECISION <br />the signature of Mr. Daniel B. Bowman, Assistant Director, RECEIVED FOR DEMOL- <br />Tec nical Services Branch, submitted Wage Rate Decision, ITION CONTRACT NO. <br />including a modification #1, dated March 16, 1973, to cover 32, R -66. <br />our Demolition and Site Clearance Contract No. 32, Ind. R -66. <br />Mr. <br />The <br />of <br />Lennon advised this work will begin over the weekend. <br />contract was awarded to Julius O'Neal Trucking Company <br />outh Bend. <br />