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3. <br />Ma <br />Ab <br />No <br />Po <br />Zo <br />Zo <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont'd) <br />y Davis (Dislocation Allowance) <br />y Davis (Moving) <br />r Construction & Supply Co. <br />thern Indiana Public Service Co. <br />tmaster <br />a White (Moving) <br />a White (Replacement Housing) <br />VELOPMENT BOND REDEMPTION FUND <br />American National Bank <br />St. Joseph Bank & Trust Co. <br />St. Joseph Bank & Trust Co. <br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CAPITAL FUND-- 1972 <br />Urban Redevelopment Bond Redemption Fund <br />Urban Redevelopment District Capital Fund <br />REIMBURSEMENT TO REVOLVING FUND <br />4. <br />si <br />a <br />ne <br />Code Enforcement E -3 <br />Code Enforcement E -5 <br />P.E.A. R -57 <br />P.E.A. R -66 <br />Merry Avenue Project <br />Urban Redevelopment Fund <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />Total <br />Total <br />$ 200.00 <br />265.00 <br />265.00 <br />13.60 <br />81.47 <br />230.00 <br />2,500.00 <br />4,802.07 <br />$ 4,781.25 <br />300,625.00 <br />9,925.94 <br />3 5,332.1 <br />$ 140,000.00 <br />22 ,548.83 <br />Total $ 162 <br />GRAND TOTAL $ 690,664.27 <br />$ 11,772.87 <br />9,503.25 <br />2,750.54 <br />15,626.58 <br />543.69 <br />2,709.35 <br />Total $ 42,9067T <br />a. HUD letter dated June 5, 1973: This letter, over the SUBMISSION OF <br />iature of Mr. Keith W. Lerch, Attorney Advisor, enclosed AMENDATORY CONTRACT <br />^oposed amendment for Contract Ind. E -3(G) and papers con- NO. 2, TO CONTRACT <br />;ed with its execution. IND. E -3(G) <br />Mr. <br />Lennon advised Resolution No. 450 for Commission adoption, <br />under <br />Item 6j, will allocate an <br />additional $57,341 Federal <br />grant <br />monies for rehabilitation <br />grants to the homeowners, in <br />the <br />Northeast Code Enforcement Project, <br />Ind. E -3. <br />b. HUD letter dated June 5, <br />1973: This letter, over the <br />SUBMISSION OF <br />signature <br />of Mr. Keith W. Lerch, <br />Attorney Advisor, enclosed <br />AMENDATORY CONTRACT <br />a proposed <br />amendment for Contract <br />Ind. E -5(G) and papers con- <br />NO. 2, TO CONTRACT <br />nec <br />ed with its execution. <br />IND. E -5(G) <br />This <br />is covered under Resolution <br />No. 451, Item 6k, for Com- <br />mis <br />ion adoption, to allocate an <br />additional $52,500.Eederal <br />-5 - <br />