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01 <br />0 <br />F <br />de <br />di <br />COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd) <br />d. HUD letter dated April 26, 1973: This letter, <br />T the signature of Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, <br />!rations Division, advises that our requisition dated <br />ruary 28, 1973, for HUD funds, for the Code Enforce- <br />it Grant Programs, Indiana Project E -5, has been ap- <br />ved in amount of $215,882.00, and submitted to the <br />. Treasury Department for payment. The check for <br />,osit will be mailed by the Treasury Department <br />-ectly to the Redevelopment bank account. <br />ThE amount of the requisitions are for $95,319 Project <br />Grant, and $120,563 Rehabilitation Payments. <br />e. HUD letter dated April 27, 1973: This letter, <br />Over the signature of Mr. Keith W. Lerch, Attorney <br />Ad isor, outlines the procedures required by HUD for <br />thE local execution of the contract for the Neighbor - <br />ho d Development Program, Indiana Project A -10, and <br />thE executed documents required for the submittal, along <br />wi h the forms that are to be used. <br />Thils item is on the Agenda, under "New Business, 6b ", <br />for} Commission action. <br />FUNDS APPROVED FOR <br />CODE ENFORCEMENT <br />GRANT PROGRAM, E -5 <br />CONTRACT EXECUTION <br />REQUIREMENTS FOR <br />NDP, A -10 <br />f. HUD letter dated May 1, 1973: This letter, SPECIAL MEETING, <br />over the signature of Mr. Herman K. Walker, Director, DOWNTOWN GARY, IND., <br />Equal Opportunity Division, advises of a special meeting MAY 5, 1973 <br />to be held on May 5, 1973, at the Holiday Inn, in Down- <br />town Gary, Indiana. Mr. Walker advised that considerable <br />amount of progress was made at the initial meeting by the <br />establishment of this General Committee to plan the entire <br />Convention, the selection of a temporary Chairman, appointing <br />Com ittees and resolving other relevant issues. <br />He tresses the importance of making this <br />and to secure adequate partici ations for <br />Con entions (Black Expos - NAACP to assist <br />nuei <br />Our <br />thi: <br />the <br />Ass= <br />Arcr <br />wi tN <br />meni <br />Wag( <br />IS. <br />Conference a success <br />the forthcoming <br />minority entrepre- <br />Mr. Frank J. Alford, EEO Officer, will be attending <br />meeting tomorrow morning. <br />sHUD letter dated May 1, 1973: This letter, over SITE IMPROVEMENT <br />ignature of Mrs. Joyce C. Rayford, Equal Opportunity CONTRACT I, PRECONSTRUC- <br />stant, advises upon concurrence from Mark Griffin, Chief TION CONFERENCE, R -57 <br />itectural and Engineering, our EEO Officer may proceed <br />a Preconstruction Conference on Contract I, Site Improve - <br />s, Project Indiana R -57. <br />determination has been received. <br />- 5 - <br />