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3. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS (Cont'd) <br />In iana Bell Telephone <br />No thern Indiana Public <br />Po tmaster <br />Co. (PAC) <br />Service <br />Total <br />URBAN REDEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CAPITAL FUND OF 1972 <br />4. <br />ovf <br />Op( <br />dal <br />the <br />to <br />Moody's Investors Service, Inc. <br />Total <br />GRAND TOTAL <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />$ 25.87 <br />109.11 <br />40.00 <br />3,439.9 <br />$ 1,100.00 <br />1 ,100.00 <br />$ 280,387.83 <br />a. HUD letter dated April 19, 1973: This letter, CHANGE OF LAND USE <br />the signature of Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director for APPROVED FOR PARCEL <br />°ations Division, advises HUD has reviewed our letter NO. 1 -1, R -66 <br />!d March 13, 1973, and have no objections to changing <br />land use for Parcel No. 1 -1 from service commercial <br />)ark and open space. <br />Mr. Lennon said this parcel is across from the Morris <br />Civic Auditorium. <br />b. HUD letter dated April 24, 1973: This letter, <br />over the signature of Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, <br />Operations Division, advises that our requisition dated <br />February 28, 1973, for HUD funds, for the Code Enforce- <br />ment Grant Programs, Indiana Project E -3, has been ap- <br />proved in amount of $467,691.00, and submitted to the <br />U.S Treasury Department for payment. The check for <br />dep sit will be mailed by the Treasury Department <br />dir ctly to the Redevelopment bank account. <br />The amount of the requisitions are for $264,088.00 <br />Pro ect Grant, $43,387 Relocation, and $160,216 Rehabi- <br />lit j tion payments. <br />ove <br />Ope <br />app <br />fac <br />$82 <br />by <br />Mr. <br />has <br />c. HUD letter dated April 25, 1973: This letter, <br />the signature of Mr. H. L. Bainaka, Acting Director, <br />•ations Division, advises they have reviewed the two <br />•aisal reports for Parcel No. 1 -1, and find them satis- <br />:ory to adequately support the disposition price of <br />'.00, based on the proposed use of Park and Open Space <br />:he City of South Bend. <br />Lennon advised that Mr. Jim Seitz, Park Department, <br />been asked to purchase this parcel for the Green Belt. <br />- 4 - <br />FUNDS APPROVED FOR <br />CODE ENFORCEMENT <br />GRANT PROGRAM, E -3 <br />DISPOSITION PRICE <br />APPROVED FOR PARCEL <br />NO. 1 -1, R -66 <br />