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an <br />On <br />uni <br />on <br />COMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd) <br />motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and <br />.nimously carried, the letters be received and placed <br />file. <br />5.1 OLD BUSINESS <br />the <br />at( <br />all <br />to <br />a. Lawson Associates Proposal: Mr. Lennon advised LAWSON ASSOCIATES <br />Commission of a proposal received from Lawson Associ- CONTRACT APPROVED, <br />s, Consultants, to do the planning for developing R -66 <br />ernatives and final design of the specifications, on <br />East and West side of St. Joseph River, as it relates <br />our Project Area, R -66. <br />Commission approval was requested to enter into a contract <br />with Lawson Associates, as part of our Amendatory and part <br />of the St. Joseph River Project. The total cost of the <br />contract is not to exceed $16,000. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Rev. Williams and <br />unanimously carried, staff was authorized to enter into <br />a contract with Lawson Associates, in amount not to ex- <br />ceed $16,000, and the President and Secretary authorized <br />to execute the Contract, subject to Legal Counsel approval. <br />b. Alternative for Bidders on Phase III, Pedestrian <br />Way Mal Contracts: On a motion properly made and se- <br />conded, the Redevelopment Commission instructed the Con- <br />sulting Engineer, Mr. Thomas A. Oesterling with Clyde E. <br />Williams & Associates, to prepare the necessary legal <br />doc ments required to allow an alternative bid for the <br />con truction of the Pedestrian Way. <br />The motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. <br />Che ney and unanimously carried, an alternative to the <br />bid documents shall allow a combination bid of Contracts <br />1, 3 and 4 to be submitted to the Redevelopment Commission. <br />6. INEW BUSINESS <br />ALTERNATIVE FOR COM- <br />BINATION BID APPROVED, <br />PHASE III, R -66 <br />a. Model Cities Relocation and Extended Services MODEL CITIES RELOCATION <br />Contract: Authorization was requested to enter into an & EXTENDED SERVICES <br />ann a Model Cities Relocation and Extended Services Con CONTRACT APPROVED <br />tract, in amount of $276,740.00. We receive total reim- <br />bursement from Model Cities for our contractural services <br />by Our Relocation Staff. <br />Mr. <br />Ci t- <br />a ny <br />The <br />Larry E. Hill, Executive Director, South Bend Model <br />es Economic Development Corporation, was present for <br />questions. <br />contract is subject to Legal Counsel approval. <br />i� <br />