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SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />SPECI L MEETING <br />7 <br />"The Southeast Side Project Committee supports this Program and <br />looks forward to it." <br />5. <br />Mr. Lennon said the last person who has requested the opportunity to speak <br />and ten it is certainly open for the entire public, is Mrs. Louvenia Cain, <br />the C airman of the Model Neighborhood Planning Agency: <br />uvenia Cain: <br />"Gentlemen: <br />"As the two have said, we have looked forward to the day when we <br />could make some physical changes in our neighborhood. I have <br />friends on the Southeast Side and we have been working closely <br />with them. We are very fortunate to have Mr. Lennon, the over- <br />all Director of the picture, where he has worked with us in the <br />Model Cities, and our Director, Mr. Hughes, discussed this and <br />he is eager to see some changes. We know we are on the last <br />phase of our work and we know that we are looking forward to <br />give a release to the people who are present because their homes <br />are in condition where rehabilitation would not help, we would <br />like clearance, and we know that if you would make a trip out <br />there you would be in accord with us. <br />We are asking that you look favorable on the recommendation that <br />has been brought here and Model Cities are with you 100 %. It is <br />the sentiment of the people in Model Cities to see the changes made <br />and it is the sentiment of the Model Cities Program to review and <br />extend city -wide, so that we can help our brothers and sisters on <br />the Southeast Side. <br />"Thank you very much." <br />President Helmen asked if there are any others in the audience who wish to <br />speak. There being none, the Chair said: "It seems to me that the repre- <br />sentatives almost unanimously are in favor of it." President Helmen had <br />Mr. Lennon read the Resolution, as this concluded the Public Hearing portion <br />of the meeting. <br />Mr. Lennon read Resolution No. 447, confirming Declaratory Resolution in regards <br />to the Neighborhood Development Program, Project Indiana A -10, in its entirety. <br />A copy f Resolution No. 447 is attached to the original minutes for the record. <br />President Helmen asked of Mr. Lennon, before acting on the Resolution, what is <br />the target date and when do we put the show on the road? Mr. Lennon advised <br />we must be under contract with the development within forty -five (45) days, at <br />which time as soon as the contract is signed, (the appraisers have been working, <br />our relocation people have been working, and the inspections have been completed), <br />we woul hope to have total clearance of that area by the end of this summer and <br />the fam lies relocated. <br />