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SOUTH LEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />SPECIA MEETING <br />Paqe 6 <br />Presid nt Helmen again extended the invitation to the audience - -prior to acting <br />on the Resolution - -for any further statements from the audience...there being <br />none.. he stated: "For the record, since no person has appeared in opposition <br />to the Resolution and no written remonstrance has been submitted to the Re- <br />develo ment Commission, I offer Resolution No. 447 for adoption." <br />Motion was made by Mr. Chenney for the adoption of Resolution No. 447, seconded <br />by Mr. Wiggins and unanimously carried with all Commissioners signifying by <br />saying "aye ". None in opposition and the motion was carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Lehnon made the following comments on behalf of the Commission and staff: <br />"Tie Commission and the staff would like to congratulate the two PAC <br />C mmittees. As they mentioned, it has been a long, long time. They <br />w rked very diligently with us and we certainly, as the staff, appreci- <br />ated it - -and I know the Commission does - -and we would certainly like <br />t at to be on record." <br />4. Wi h the conclusion of the business for which this meeting was called, <br />on motion duly made and passed by Mr. Wiggins, the meeting adjourned at <br />7: 7 P.M. <br />