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4. QOMMUNICATIONS (Cont'd) <br />i. HUD letter dated March 9, 1973: This letter, over <br />the signature of Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, Operations <br />Division, states it is imperative that the revised budget and <br />work schedules reflecting a $2 Million Dollar Amendatory be <br />submitted to the Area Office no later than April 1, 1973. <br />This s the maximum amount available for Ind. R -66 and no <br />addit oval future amendatory funds are available. <br />Mr. Lennon said HUD is telling us we must close out the Down- <br />town Iroject and will give us $2 Million Dollars to do it. <br />We originally requested $9 Million Dollars. The pending legis- <br />latior on Community Development in 1974 will be a possible <br />sourCE of further funding. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mouslj carried, the letter be received and staff authorized <br />to pr ceed as requested. <br />Mr. Lennon said our only other alternative would be not to <br />accept this amount. Three other cities are requesting an <br />amend tory: Chicago, Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis. This $2 <br />is part of $3 Million Dollars in Indiana and we are fortunate <br />to receive this. <br />c. HUD letter dated March 14, 1973: This letter, over <br />the signature of Mr. Stephen J. Havens, Director, Operations <br />Division, advises they have reviewed the Redevelopers State- <br />ment cf Associates Bancorp., Inc. a Delaware Corp., Associates <br />First Capital Corp. a Delaware Corp., and Gulf and Western <br />Indus ries, Inc. and find no objection to these corporations <br />as re evelopers of Disposition Parcel Nos. 2 -13, 4 -30A, 4 -30B, <br />4 -31, 4 -32, 4 -42, 4 -66, part of 4 -1 (North 140 ft.), Project <br />Ind. -66. <br />On mo ion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous) carried, the letter be received and placed on file. <br />5. <br />This <br />build <br />"hole <br />a mem <br />Commi <br />ment <br />1971 <br />Agreei <br />Commi <br />faile <br />said <br />D BUSINESS <br />. Condemnation Notice, Acquisition Parcel No. 12 -5: <br />arcel is ocated at 208 -210 South Michigan Street. The <br />ng has been demolished in the past and is presently a <br />in the ground" with barricades around it. A motion by <br />er of the Commission was requested stating that the <br />sion hereby determines that the sellers under the Agree - <br />or Sale of Improvements on Real Estate dated November 19, <br />re in default of the Redevelopment provisions of such <br />ent and were officially notified of such default by the <br />sion's attorney on January 12, 1973 and that the sellers <br />to correct the default within thirty (30) days after <br />otice. The Commission therefore intends to acquire the <br />REVISED BUDGET AND <br />WORK SCHEDULES RE- <br />QUESTED FOR AMENDA- <br />TORY, R -66 <br />HUD APPROVES REDEVEL- <br />OPERS, PARCELS 2 -13, <br />4 -30A, 4 -30B, 4 -31, <br />4 -32, 4 -42, 4 -66, & <br />PART OF 4 -1, R -66 <br />208 -210 SOUTH MICHIGAN <br />STREET, BLOCK 12, <br />PARCEL 5, INDIANA R -66 <br />