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5. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Resolution No. 442 and Resolution No. 443: These <br />Resolutions are to authorize the filing and submission of <br />an amendatory application for code enforcement grants for <br />the ptirpose of increasing and making additional Section 115 <br />Rehabilitation Grants for Code Enforcement Projects, designa- <br />ted: <br />Resolution No. 442: Northeast Code Enforcement <br />Project E -3 <br />Resolution No. 443: Model Cities East Code Enforce - <br />ment Project E -5 <br />On mo ion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mousl3 carried, Resolutions 442 and 443 were adopted. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Affirmative Action Workshop: Mr. Frank Alford, <br />E.E.O. Officer submitted a written report on this Workshop <br />in Washington, D. C., March 7 through 9, 1973. <br />Mr. Lennon advised that Mr. Alford put on a Workshop program <br />here at Ivy Tech, co- sponsored by the Equal Employment Oppor- <br />tunity Office and the Human Relations and Fair Employment <br />Practice Office, designed to inform businesses and organiza- <br />tions of the implementation of Affirmative Action Policies. <br />The Wo kshop was held on March 15, 1973 from 1:30 P.M. to <br />4:30 P.M. Mr. Lennon said Mr. Alford did a fine job and the <br />Commis ion can certainly be proud of him. <br />b NAHRO State Chapter Meeting: Mr. L. Glenn Barbe <br />gave a written report on this meeting held on March 7 and 8, <br />1973, jqith the majority of the discussion centering on two <br />subjects: <br />c, <br />Di recto <br />the mor <br />the fii <br />the mor <br />1) The Senate Bill 205 and its Housing Counterpart <br />Bill created the cabinet form of government for <br />second class cities. <br />2) The Federal funding crunch and the effect of <br />Hyde Memo on housing and redevelopment. <br />RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED: <br />NO. 442: E -3 <br />NO. 443: E -5 <br />AFFIRMATIVE ACTION <br />WORKSHOP <br />NAHRO STATE CHAPTER <br />MEETING, MARCH 7 & 8 <br />Property Management Re ort: Mr. John A. Kotzenmacher, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT <br />r of Property Management, submitted a written report for REPORT <br />th of February, 1973. This report is not submitted on <br />st of the month as the rents are received at the end of <br />th or the beginning of the-month. <br />The to�al rent receipts collected for the month of February, <br />1973 w s: $8,824.51. <br />- 10 - <br />