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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Above otion was made by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. <br />Wiggins and unanimously carried. <br />f. Rehabilitation Grants: Commission approval was re- REHABILITATION GRANTS <br />quested for three 3 rehabilitation grants, in the Model Cities APPROVED, PARCEL NOS. <br />East Code Enforcement Project, E -5, for the following: 29 -11, 30 -36 & 32 -25, <br />E -5 <br />Parcel No. Address Grant Amount <br />29 -11 136 South Laurel Street $ 3,500.00 ** <br />30 -36 1033 West Jefferson Boulevard 3,500.00 ** <br />32 -25 1132 West Jefferson Boulevard 3,498.00 <br />** Combination Loan and Grant. <br />On mo ion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous) approved, the above - listed Rehabilitation Grants were <br />appro ed. <br />Reuse Appraisal Contracts: Commission approval <br />was r quested to negotiate for two contracts for reuse ap- <br />prais is of land, in the Merry Avenue Project. The reuse <br />appraisals are a requirement by HUD. We need appraisals on <br />appro imately six acres of land to sell to Economic Develop- <br />ment orporation. Model Cities has approximately $460,000.00 <br />appro riated for the total project. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mous) carried, staff was authorized to negotiate for two <br />contracts for reuse appriasals in our Merry Avenue Project. <br />t. HUD Workshop: Commission approval was requested <br />to se rd our entire relocation staff to attend a relocation <br />works op being held, in Indianapolis, on March 28 and 29, 1973. <br />HUD is recommending we send seven of our relocation staff to <br />attenc this session on Uniform Relocation Act. Registration <br />fee is $7.50 per person. <br />On motion by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins and unani- <br />mous13 carried, seven (7) staff members in relocation were <br />authorized to attend the relocation workshop being sponsored <br />by H U . <br />NEGOTIATIONS AUTHORI- <br />ZED FOR REUSE APPRAIS <br />CONTRACTS, MERRY AVE. <br />PROJECT <br />HUD WORKSHOP, MARCH <br />28 & 29, 1973, IN <br />INDIANAPOLIS <br />i. Proclaimer Certificate No. 4: Commission authoriza- PROCLAIMER CERTIFICATE <br />tion was requested for Executive Director to execute this NO. 4 APPROVED FOR <br />Procl imer relative to establishment of fair market value for SIGNATURE <br />Parcel No. 21 -13 to be acquired. This parcel is owned by Sonser <br />Corporation and King's Clothing Store. <br />On mo ion by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Chenney and unani- <br />mously carried, Pair. Charles F. Lennon, Jr., Executive Director, <br />was allthorized to execute the Proclaimer. <br />