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6. OLD BUSINESS <br />ne . <br />7. NEW BUSINESS <br />Report concerning final inspection of Disposition CERTIFICATE OF COMPLE- <br />Parc 1 No. 8 -3 and authorization to execute.the Certificate TION APPROVED FOR <br />of Completion - 6: Legal Counsel, r. Kevin J. But] EXECUTION, DISPOSITION <br />advised attache to the Agenda is a report signed by Mr. PARCEL N0. 8 -3, R -66 <br />Ed Bauer of the Department of Redevelopment, which, in <br />effe t, states that the project has been completed. We are <br />asking Commission for concurrence to authorize the execution <br />of Certificate of Completion which also entails 10% security <br />in the amount of $5,666.10, back to the Redeveloper. This <br />then completes the Redevelopment project - -the construction <br />phas ' This requires a motion to authorize the execution <br />of t e Certificate of Completion by the President and Secre- <br />tary and return of the security deposit. <br />Said motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney <br />and �nanimously carried. <br />Contract with Model Cities re Relocation in Merry <br />Aven a Pro'ect: Legal Counsel, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, <br />sai this contract has not been reviewed in final form <br />by C unsel, and are asking Commission authorization for <br />execution of the Contract by President and Secretary, <br />subject to approval by Counsel. <br />Said motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. <br />Williams and unanimously carried. <br />. Contract Phase II -C, Storm Sewers and Service <br />Driv s -66: Legal Counsel, Mr. Kevin J. Butler, said <br />he r viewe this Contract, along with Mr. Frank Alford, <br />EEO fficer. The only problem found at this point is the <br />Certification of Eligibility, Affirmative Action Require- <br />ment for EEO. The old form was executed. Authorization <br />was equested to approve this contract, pending receipt <br />of a ecuted new form as required by HUD -- Bidders Certi- <br />fica ion - -in lieu thereof. All other documents are in <br />orde . Contract awarded in Commission meeting, 1- 19 -73. <br />Moti <br />and <br />into <br />II -C <br />with <br />Coun <br />MODEL CITIES CONTRACT <br />APPROVED FOR MERRY AVE. <br />PROJECT, RE RELOCATION <br />)n was made by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins <br />unanimously carried, for authorization to enter <br />contract with Howell Construction Co., Inc., for Phase <br />and the President and Secretary authorized to execute, <br />executed form to be substituted as requested by Legal <br />;el and subject to his approval. <br />- 11 - <br />PHASE II -C CONTRACT <br />APPROVED, R -66 <br />