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5. COMMUNICATI. <br />a. <br />Dept. of Army Letter Dated Dec. 21 1971: <br />POSTAL FACILITY <br />This is <br />regarding landscaping on the East end of the <br />LANDSCAPING, R -66 <br />South <br />Bend Postal Facility Site, R -66. When the Com- <br />missi <br />n reviewed the plans, this landscaping was an <br />optio <br />al bid item. The Commission had requested that <br />it,be <br />included as an integral part of the plans and the <br />lette <br />stated that this had been done. <br />6. OLD <br />BUSINESS <br />a. <br />Revised Agreement with Credit Bureau of South <br />REVISED AGREEMENTS <br />Bend <br />Inc., dated 11- 19 -71, for E -3 and E -5 Projects: <br />WITH CREDIT BUREAU OF <br />Mr. L <br />oyd S. Taylor said these agreements -- although <br />SOUTH BEND, INC., E -3 <br />appro <br />ed by the Commission on November 19th meeting for <br />& E -5 PROJECTS, TABLED <br />both <br />he E -3 and E -5 Projects - -when taken over to the <br />FOR NEXT MEETING <br />Credi <br />Bureau for their signatures and approval, were <br />corrk.ted <br />by the Credit Bureau to show the present fees: <br />$60.0 <br />per annum, $5.50 for each credit report. Evidently, <br />an oll <br />service fee was used in preparing the documents: <br />$48.0 <br />per annum fee, $4.50 for each credit report fur- <br />nishe <br />. <br />Mr. B <br />rbe explained this was due to a change in service <br />fee tie <br />Credit Bureau had instituted several months ago. <br />Ours <br />aff was not aware of this and copied the old con- <br />tract <br />rate in making up the -new agreements. It is an <br />"acro <br />s the board raise" and the change was made prior <br />to price <br />freeze. <br />President <br />Helmen requested this item be deferred <br />until <br />the next Commission meeting and Mr. Barbe was <br />reque <br />ted to check whether the increase was made prior <br />to th <br />lommission <br />price freeze and report his findings at the <br />next <br />meeting. <br />7. NSW BUSINESS <br />a Change Order No. 8 to Contract 1, Phase I: CHANGE ORDER NO. 8 <br />This Change Order is with Rieth - Riley Construction Co., TO CONTRACT 1, PHASE <br />Inc., R -66 Project. Mr. Slabaugh said he did not have I, R -66, TABLED FOR <br />time to review this item. This is also tabled for the NEXT MEETING <br />next Commission meeting. <br />b . Three (3) Appraisals on Parcel No. 2 -3, R -66: <br />Mr. Taylor advised this is a request to secure three (3) <br />appra sals on this parcel, which is a corner parking lot <br />next to 120 W. LaSalle Building. Every indication is <br />that there is a willing seller on this parcel and there <br />are two appraisals at the present time on this item - <br />appraisal in 1967 and one in 1968. The question is <br />whether we should acquire new appraisals. <br />-5- <br />APPRAISAL AUTHORIZA- <br />TION'ON PARCEL 2 -3, <br />R -66 TABLED <br />