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7. PgOGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Pedestrian Mall: Mr. Ashenfelter advised a PEDESTRIAN MALL, R -66 <br />meetinS was held with Environmental Planning and Design, <br />Pittsburgh, Pa., and representative from Clyde E. Williams <br />& Asso iates, Pedestrian Mall Consultants, on November 17th, <br />in our office. Another meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, <br />Novemb r 24th, along with the South Bend Public Transporta- <br />tion C rporation, City Engineer and Traffic Engineer, who <br />will b involved. <br />b Business Relocation, R -66: Mr. Paul E. Becher, BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />Commercial Cormnercial Relocation Director, in his written report R -66 <br />advisec there are two claims before the Commission for <br />moving expenses totalling $3,616.25, and one direct loss <br />of pro erty claim for $35.00. The total of all claims is <br />$3,651 25. <br />A total of 18 business concerns have completed their re- <br />locati n, but have not filed a final claim. Three businesses <br />are ex ected to move before December lst, and four to six <br />more businesses before January 1st, 1972. Five claims, each <br />in exc �ence ss of $10,000.00, are expected to be sent to HUD for, <br />concur before January 1, 1972. <br />cJ Downtown Rehabilitation Report, R -66: Mr. Edwin <br />Bauer, Downtown Rehabi itation Supervisor, in his written <br />report advised the building survey documentation files, as <br />of thi date, total seventy structures, with follow4ng break- <br />down: <br />Retail Stores 39 <br />Commercial Service Businesses /Bldgs. 10 <br />Restaurant Food Facilities 9 <br />Banking /Loan Establishments 6 <br />Department Stores 3 <br />Assembly Halls /Theatres 3. <br />Buildi g surveys also include vacant spaces for 15 retail <br />commer ial businesses within the rehabilitation project <br />area. <br />The inactive file also includes documentation on 31 parcels <br />of con emnation structures, either vacant or temporarily <br />being ccupied by relocation tenants. Work in progress con- <br />tinues at seven buildings along the proposed downtown mall <br />route and its immediate environs. <br />MR. Bauer requested some thought be given to time limita- <br />tions lor completion of compliance to code enforcement when <br />ordinance is passed. <br />Mr. Bauer said he is advising as many tenants and owners, <br />as pos ible, to finalize their plans and the feasibility <br />and de inability to complete as much of the work in '72 as <br />possible, as the Mall construction will interfere with <br />exteri r work. <br />-9- <br />DOWNTOWN REHABILITATION <br />REPORT, R -66 <br />