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6. ' INEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />d. Addendum -'to 'Off9ind_l_,Cont- 1 .t' ' *' h..ComMuhtty ADDENDUM APPROVED <br />School Cor oration; the South:Bend Qe artMent'of'Pub1ic <br />Parks, Model Cities and 'tfte, De artment-of -- RedeVelo ment: <br />This Addendum relates to the above over -all contract <br />proposing a flat fee of $280.00 per relocation case be <br />made to the displacing agency. <br />Motion for the above was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded <br />by Mr. Chenney. Said motion is also contingent upon <br />Legal Counsel approval and was unanimously carried. <br />e. Cultural Center: Relative to the consultants' CULTURAL CENTER, <br />reco endation on the Cultural Center, Item 6(b) above,` R -66 <br />President Helmen said he strongly recommends reserving <br />the approximately eleven (11) acres originally allocated <br />for the initial concept of the'Cultu'ral Center site and <br />requ steel the Commission go on record this morning for <br />their concurrence, and the attorneys for the Commission <br />and the attorneys for the Michiana Arts and Science <br />Council to work out.terms for an option and monetary <br />consideration. With the.Mayor's proposed bond issue <br />the north half of the Center is already programmed. The <br />Michiana Arts and Science Council believes it can buy <br />the land south of Jefferson Boulevard on a staged basis.' <br />The money for this portion will be from private donations. <br />Mr. Wiggins made the motion that our staff and Legal <br />Counsel and the MASC Counsel negotiate a staged option <br />for the approximately eleven (11) acre tract of land <br />allocated for the Cultural Center. site. Motion seconded- <br />by R v. Williams and unanimously carried. <br />President Helmen requested.Commission Legal Counsel to' <br />make up the contracts. <br />f. Dept. of Public Welfare: Letter dated August DEPT4 OF PUBLIC <br />6th as tabled from last Commission meeting and is a WELFARE, R -66 <br />requ st for extension of time for the Department of <br />Public Welfare to remain housed at 228 :South St. Joseph <br />Stre t until at least June of 1972. <br />Mr. Hammerschmidt, Commission Legal Counsel, advised <br />this property is City.- owned.and the Department, of Re- <br />development has not, as yet, acquired same. <br />The epartment of Public Welfare is .paying rent to School <br />City at present. <br />Mr. illiam Slabaugh advised notice to vacate should be <br />giver the Department of Public Welfare ninety (90) days <br />after signing Contract l to Phase II -A, as this building <br />will be in the middle of the construction center and <br />therE will be an interruption of the utilities and sewers. <br />