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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />1) Dr. Edwin M. Rams, Urban Research Associates, — <br />Washington, D. C.' <br />2) Mr. Robert P. Werner, City Planning Associates, <br />Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana. <br />3) Mr. Paul Finfer, Paul Finfer Associates', <br />Chicago, Illinois. <br />Mr. E ans Woollen, Woollen Associates, Indianapolis, Indiana, <br />Cultu al Center designer, was also invited and attended <br />this onference. <br />The following represents the findings and recommendations <br />of the consultant team based upon their review of the <br />currerit status of the South Bend Central Downtown Renewal <br />Program: <br />1. he over -all objectives for the redevelopment of the <br />�entral Downtown Area <br />t is our opinion that the proposals for the redevelop- <br />ent of the Central Downtown Area create a more coercive, <br />iable and functional core area for the community in <br />erms of the changing roll of South Bend in order to i'n- <br />ure that South Bend remains competitive, attractive, and <br />an assume its rightful roll as the urban center of <br />ichiana. <br />2. Jhe Cultural Center <br />review was made of the land area requirements for the'' <br />ultural Center. It is our opinion that the initial con - <br />ept remains valid and that the approximately eleven 0 1) <br />cres, originally allocated for the Cultural Center site, <br />hould remain reserved for that purpose. Based upon a <br />eview of space and area requirements for the Cultural <br />enter with the architect retained for the design of the <br />enter - -Mr. Evans Woollen, who was in attendance at, the <br />eeting - -it is re- affirmed that'the minimum space needs <br />or the Cultural Center are those as originally delineated <br />n the plan developed and approved by City Council approxi- <br />ately four years ago- -1967. Any attempt in reduction of <br />he land area for the Cultural Center would necessitate <br />ncreased construction costs for buildings because of the <br />estricted site characteristic. <br />t is the recommendation of the consultant team that the <br />ntire' eleven (11) acre site be reserved for Cultural <br />enter use. The design team was most pleased with the <br />ews that the Mayor has, taken appropriate steps to pur- <br />hase an initial portion of this eleven acre site and to <br />rovide the opportunity for construction of the essential <br />ortion of the Cultural Center Complex. The remainder <br />H <br />