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6. ANEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Neighborhood Development Program is a new approach <br />on a yearly increment basis, which must be approved <br />each year for both planning and action. It is <br />primarily the responsibility.of this Commission, <br />as the Department of Redevelopmentis the only <br />agenc,y of the City that is legally empowered to <br />carry out this program. Model Cities is an adminis- <br />trative agency who coordinates and 'utilizes existing <br />agencies to carry out over -all plans by contract. <br />We wi 1 be given ninety (90) days to develop the urban <br />renew l plan, after application approval by HUD, and <br />at th t time we go through the statutory proceedings. <br />The N P application was'prepared by Mr. James H. Neidigh <br />of James H. Neidigh & Associates, along with Mr. Mike <br />Obrin er of the Area Plan Commission. After Common <br />Council approval, Mr. Hammerschmidt will give a written <br />legal opinion. <br />Mr. Conrad Damian, representing the Southeast PAC Executive <br />Committee, read a report from his Committee "giving <br />official approval for the submission of the NDP appli <br />cation for funding the first year, as a bond of their <br />intention to work together for the betterment of-their' <br />neighborhood and the City of South Bend and not bound <br />to a et plan of demolition and clearance of the area: , <br />descr b.ed in the submission, but to the effective use <br />of these funds for their most creative use." <br />Presi ent Helmen again voiced his concern over com <br />mitti g the City for a share of these expenses with a <br />heavier burden on the taxpayer. Mr. Barbe advised <br />this as been discussed with City. Council in a Caucu's <br />sessi on and the City Engineer has submitted, reports <br />to thE City Council on how these programs affect the <br />City on a five -year program.. The money can come from <br />two sources for the 1/4 share:. 1) cash share--finance <br />from the Redevelopment Bond Fund; and ,2),Model Cities <br />has agreed to furnish a portion of the local contribution <br />from Model Cities Supplement Funds.'' <br />Mr. Wiggins moved for the adoption of Resolution No. 374, <br />subject to Common Council approval and Commission Legal <br />counsel approval, seconded by Rev. Williams,, and carried <br />unanim usly. <br />b Consultants' Recommendations on Downtown Urban <br />Renewal Project, In R-66: The original panning <br />team for the Downtown Project was requested to meet <br />with the Redevelopment Commissioners in a two -day <br />Conference, August 10th and 1lth,' to discuss possible <br />changes in the original renewal plan- -these consultants <br />being: <br />- 5- <br />CONSULTANTS' RECOMMENDA- <br />TIONS-APPROVED & MEETING <br />TO BE.CALLED FOR CONSULTA- <br />TION, R -66 <br />