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6. ANEW B_US_INESS CCont'dj <br />j . Updai:ed _Comm °ss,�on 6 : � 's; Mr. As -enf el ter UPDATING COMMISSION <br />request ' ed permissl n to defer until the BY -LAWS TABLED - <br />next Comission meeting for lack.of tl�ne_ lMr. Ri.ggtns <br />moved the By -Laws be tabled. <br />k. Pension Plan: Mr. Wiggins moved this item PENSION PLAN ASSIGNED <br />be r ferred to the Pension Committee, appointed by TO PENSION COMMITTEE <br />Commissioners in meeting of January 16, 1970: Rev. <br />Williams and Mr. Helmen, along with staff member, <br />Mr. L. Glenn Barbe, and Mr. Bruce C. Hammerschmidt, <br />Commi sion Legal Counsel, to take to. proper agencies <br />for approval. Said motion was seconded by Mr. Chenney, <br />and unanimously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Parking Garages:, Mr. Edgar Wertheimer advised" PARKING GARAGES, R -66 <br />there are 40 merchants who have subscribed to and are <br />asses ed $150.00 per month for supporting the bonding <br />of tha parking garages built. Also, almost all stores <br />are un a ticket validation. Any customer, whether <br />purchasing or not, can get a ticket validation. The <br />merchants want to create an interest in downtown per <br />se. ree parking has been available -- advertisements <br />in pa er, brochures given out at garage areas - -all <br />kinds of efforts to promote via radio and television. <br />Efforts have not been successful. <br />Mr. Wade advised it will take approximately two to <br />three years for people to get used to the idea. Streets <br />are not to store cars, -but to move traffic. You cannot <br />control traffic with parking meters. Eventually the <br />garages will be successful when the people cannot park <br />on th street. f <br />L. <br />Soldiers and Sailors Monument: Mrs. Frederick <br />SOLDEIRS AND SAILORS <br />Mutzl <br />Director, St. Joseph-County Fair Tax Association, <br />MONUMENT <br />read <br />letter on recommendations to place the monument <br />on of <br />er locations to -get the - southwest corner of Lafayette <br />Boule <br />and and West Washington Street back on the tax rolls. <br />The C <br />unty Commissioners are "'requesting the proposed site <br />for t <br />e now dismantled Soldiers and Sailors monument. <br />c. <br />Downtown Negotiations, R -66: Mr. Hubert M. <br />DOWNTOWN NEGOTIATIONS, <br />Weave y, <br />Downtown Negotiator, submitted a written report <br />R -66 <br />advising <br />the total number of parcels optioned to date <br />is 150, <br />at a purchase price of $6,885,921.00; with titles <br />taken <br />on 147, at a cost of $6,213,820.00. The amount of <br />budgeted <br />funds is $13,010,220;00, less the optioned <br />parcels <br />at a purchase price of $6,885,921.00, lea *ing a <br />balan <br />a of $6,124,299.00. The amount paid into court <br />on condemnation <br />cases is $2,295,520.00. <br />-12- <br />