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7. VROG.USS REPORTS '_COQ(It "dI <br />.. Bus mess ReToc tinCt,S � 66� fir. Fau1 E. �ec�ier} B;USIf�,ESS DEL OCATJON, <br />Comme 4al Relocation Dtrector, ddyl'ed 1~n .Cis Wrl^tten R _.66 <br />report that before the `Gommi". "on for approval 'todW,,. , <br />are five claims for Moving expenses total l hng <br />and o e Small Business Dfi'1acement Payment for $2,500.00. <br />There are no claims for 'DirectA oss of Property. The <br />total of all claims is $3,615.65. <br />There are fourteen business concerns who have completed' <br />their moves, but have not yet filed a final. 'relocation <br />claim. Staff estimates that an additional 51 to 20 <br />busin sses will be relocated by.October 1, 1971, <br />Relocation Progress_ Report: RELOCATION PROGRESS <br />REPORT: <br />1) entral Downtown, R -66: <br />otal workload is 19; nine families and ten indiv -' 1) Central Downtown, R <br />uals. Three families moved -into .Public Housing <br />nd one individual moved, address unknown. We have <br />een unable to secure ref ocati'on ' for five families <br />nd five individuals who are in the critical path <br />f the project area. <br />2) LaSalle Park, R -57': <br />held meeting on August 9th, at the A.C.T.I.0.14., Inc. <br />offic located at South Bend and Notre Dame Avenue, with <br />some 0 members present, with speakers from Public Service <br />-13- <br />One homeowner and one tenant'needs to be relocated.. <br />2) LaSalle Park, R -57 <br />3) <br />ale _y School Site: <br />One family has moved, with ten families remaining <br />3) Kaley School Site <br />n the area. <br />4),. Jpen <br />Space Program - Linden School Site: <br />family moved, with eight families, one indi- <br />4) Open Space Program <br />.One <br />idual and one non- profit making organization re- <br />1. aining in the area. <br />wo more "Replacement Housing Payment" claims 'have <br />been submitted for Commission approval; today. <br />5) <br />Randolph-Sampson Street Project: <br />his consists of nine families and two individuals,' <br />5) Randolph - Sampson <br />11 homowners. Relocation staff will begin inter - <br />Street Project. <br />iews next week. <br />PAC Northeast and Southeast Neighborhoods: <br />PAC NORTHEAST AND <br />- <br />SOUTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD <br />The <br />PAC Northeast Neighborhood Executive Committee <br />COMMITTEES <br />held meeting on August 9th, at the A.C.T.I.0.14., Inc. <br />offic located at South Bend and Notre Dame Avenue, with <br />some 0 members present, with speakers from Public Service <br />-13- <br />