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8. PROGREtS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />b. Doi <br />Weaver, Dowi <br />report and <br />to date is <br />with titles <br />The amount <br />the purchase <br />leaving a b <br />court on co <br />ntown Negotiations, R -66: Mr. Hubert M. <br />town Negotiator, also submitted a written <br />dvised the total number of parcels optioned <br />46, at a purchase price of $6,719,223.00; <br />taken to 144, at a cost of $5,907,832.00.. <br />f budgeted funds is $13,0109220.00, less <br />price of optioned parcels of $6,719,223.005 " <br />lance of $6,290,997.00. Amount paid into <br />demnation cases is $2,233,000.00. <br />c. Rellocation Progress Report:": <br />Central Do4 town, R -66: <br />Workload of 14 families and 12 individuals, or a <br />total of 26 One individual moved in .July and one family <br />plans to mo e July 17th. <br />The Relocation staff is concentrating their efforts <br />on relocati )n of five families and five individuals who <br />are in the ritical path of the project area. If all <br />the familie3 and individuals cannot be-permanently re- <br />located by he target date, it may become.necessary to <br />make needed repairs on a six apartment dwelling in the, <br />area to be tilized for temporary relocation. <br />LaSalle Park, R -57: <br />Two fa ilies must be relocated- -one a homeowner <br />and the oth r a tenant - -both wish to remain in the <br />area, which limits the relocation resources. <br />Kaley Schoo Site: <br />Eleven families are in this area two families <br />have sold t eir homes, one family is going to have <br />a home built under the 235 program, and the other family <br />has moved t ia tra1ler home. All of the families have. <br />been advise of the relocation benefits and the staff <br />is keeping -n close touch with them. <br />DOWNTOWN NEGOTIATIONS, <br />R =66 <br />RELOCATION PROGRESS <br />REPORTS: <br />1) >CENTRAL DOWNTOWN, <br />R =66 <br />2) LASALLE PARK, R -57 <br />3) KALEY SCHOOL SITE <br />O en.S ace ro ram: 4) OPEN SPACE PROGRAM <br />_ \LINDEN SCHOOL AREA <br />Nine f milies,. one individual and one non - profit �,�• l� <br />organizatio :will.have to be relocated. Two families <br />are in the process of buying homes and are qualified <br />for the House Replacement Payment. Two House Replace- <br />ment Claims have been submitted for approval at today's <br />Commission fleeting. <br />-qt <br />