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8. PROGRESI REPORTS (Cont`d <br />d. Cultural Center: Per Mayor Allen's proposed CULTURAL CENTER <br />bond issue to include a six -acre tract for the Cultural R -66 <br />Center inst ad of the 13 acres drawn into the master <br />plan for ur )an renewal, President Helmen submitted the <br />idea for co sideration and requested the Commission <br />give it som serious thought. The seven acres South of <br />Jefferson B ulevard might be used for commercial develop- <br />ment plots. <br />Some change in street patterns might result as Jefferson <br />Boulevard has been planned to be eliminated between St. <br />Joseph Stre t and the river, <br />Mrs. Janet S. Allen suggested selling the land to the <br />County Park Department for open space, and this would be <br />available ii the future if the Art Center would need <br />future expa Sion, and also for proposed increased resi- <br />dential use <br />President H lmen was of the opinion that we should strive <br />to get more property on the tax roll. By converting it <br />to parks we take the property off the tax roll and leave <br />it off. By wising it as residential in terms of high -rise, <br />it would still leave a great deal of open space. The <br />Grand Trunk Railroad bridge will be converted to a pedes- <br />trian walkw y, which will lead to Howard Park. <br />8. . NEXT MEETING <br />The ne t Regular Meeting of the Redevelopment Com- NEXT MEETING, <br />mission wil be at 10:30 A.M., Friday, August 6, 1971, AUGUST 6, 1971 <br />in the Offi a of the Department of Redevelopment. <br />9. ADJOURNMENT <br />On motion duly made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by ADJOURNMENT <br />Mr. Wade, t e meeting adjourned at 11:45 A.M. <br />b. Nsnen-ret er, txecutive uirector <br />(SEAL) <br />-10- <br />