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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />h. R habilitation Grant: Authorization was re-: <br />quested for one 1 Rehabilitation Grant, in the LaSalle <br />Park Urban enewal Project, R -57, for Parcel No. 22 -5, <br />located at 46 Nr Chicago Street, in the amount of <br />$3,366.00. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by.Mr.. Wade,-the <br />above Rehabilitation Grant was authorized and unani- <br />mously carried. <br />i; -News Center Plans: The Urban .Design Review <br />Committee, n their meeting of July 8th in the Redevelop- <br />ment Office voted to recommend approval to the Commission <br />of the revi ed plans on the News Center, located at 110 <br />West Washin ton Street. The controversial roof tear drops <br />on either side have been omitted, the front over the windows <br />being of ve tical standing seam anodized metal roofing. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade, the plans <br />for News Center were approved and unanimously carried. <br />j. Investment, R -56: On July 23, 1971, Treasury <br />Bills in the amount of $100,000.00 invested from Project <br />Temporary L an Repayment Fund will mature. Commission <br />authorizati n was requested to re- invest this amount for <br />a period of three (3) months. <br />On motion b3 Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Wade, the <br />$100,000.00 was authorized to be re- invested for three <br />(3) months. Motion unanimously carried. <br />'. Re se Appraisal Valuations: The Commission <br />went on rec rd as approving the top reuse appraisal <br />valuations o be used in further negotiations. This <br />will be sub fitted as Proclaimer No. 3. <br />Said motion was made by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr.' <br />Wade and unanimously carried. <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a.' :Bu i,ness Relocation, R -66: Mr., Paul ,E. Becher; -: <br />Commercial Felocation Director, in his written report <br />advised the Commission has for approval today ten busi= <br />ness concer s' relocation claims, which consist of six <br />claims for moving expenses, totalling $2,902.95, four <br />claims for Direct Loss of Property,-,:totalling $9,574:60, <br />and five cliams for the Small Business Displacement <br />Payment, totalling $12,500.00. The total of all claims <br />is $24,977.55. <br />There are eighteen businesses which have moved but have <br />not yet fil d their relocation cli m It is.anticipated <br />that a minimum of fourteen more businesses will relocate <br />by September 1st. <br />ONE (1) REHABIIL'ITATION <br />GRANT-APPROVED, PARCEL - <br />NO. 22 -5, R -57 j. <br />NEWS CENTER PLANS <br />APPROVED, R -66 <br />INVESTMENT AUTHORIZED, <br />IND. R -56 <br />TOP REUSE APPRAISAL <br />VALUATION APPROVED, <br />PROCLAIMER NO. 3, <br />R -66 <br />BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />R -66 . <br />