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6. RIEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Authorization was requested for the President and Secretary <br />to execute Form A. Mr. Bruce C. Hammerschmidt, Commission <br />Legal. Counsel, stated this reconfirms what should be done <br />in relocation. The State Agency assures that it has author- <br />ity under State Law to comply with Section 210 of the Uni- <br />form elocation Assistance and Real Property Act of 1970 <br />(Public Law 91 -646) and it also requires an opinion of the <br />Commi Sion Legal Counsel that we can comply with this Act. <br />Mr. Wiggins moved for the execution of Form A, seconded by <br />Mr. C enney, and unanimously carried. <br />Form C in compliance with the land acquisition <br />requirements of Title III of the Uniform Relocation <br />Assistance and Real Property Ac uisiti.on Policies Act <br />Mr. C�enney moved for the execution of Form C, seconded <br />by Mr Wiggins, and unanimously carried <br />Contract for Professional or Technical Services: <br />Authorization was requested for the execution of a contract <br />with the Park 'Department , for professional and technical <br />servi es to relocate eleven (11) families and two (2) <br />individuals to standard housing from an area proposed for <br />a par and a neighborhood facility within the Model Neighbor- <br />hood irea. The park a tract of land, including Lots <br />2,' 11 14 and 23, in the College Grove Addition, South Bend. <br />We wo ld be compensated for staff time expended based on <br />time ecord and payroll charges in the performance of the <br />servi es for a maximum not to exceed Two Thousand One <br />Hundr d and Seventy -Five ($2,175) Dollars. We will be reim- <br />burse for all relocation payments made to relocatees in <br />provi ing these services in the actual amount made to.each <br />indi3located dual family.orr business as documented by,cop,ies "of. <br />the - claim. <br />On mo ion by Mr. Helmen, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, the con- <br />tract with the Park Department was authorized, for a maxi- <br />mum n t to exceed $2,175. Motion was unanimously carried. <br />quest <br />Downti <br />Parce' <br />3 -14 <br />3 -14 <br />I. Commercial Leases: Commission approval was re- <br />?d for six 6 Commercial Leases, in the Central <br />►wn Urban Renewal Project, R -66, for the following: <br />No. Location Rent Per Mo. <br />Harry C. Kisselman, Jr. $ 350.00 <br />121 W. Washington Avenue <br />Bartenders Hotel and Restaurant 130.00 <br />Employees Union, Local 103 <br />121 -1/2 W. Washington Avenue <br />FORM C EXECUTED, <br />LAND;ACQUISITION <br />REQUIREMENTS OF <br />TITLE III <br />PARK DEPARTMENT <br />CONTRACT AUTHORIZED <br />FOR�PROFESSIONAL C <br />TECHNICAL SERVICES <br />SIX (6) COMMERCIAL <br />.LEASES APPROVED, <br />PARCEL-NOS. 3 -14 (2)9 <br />3 -15, 4 -129 9 -12, & <br />22 -9, CENTRAL DOWNTOWN <br />URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -66 <br />