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8. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd) <br />Rev. Williams asked: "When are we going to <br />get some reports from these trips out of town? All <br />we get are the claim °forms to approve the expenses. <br />We do not get any reports and are not even told if <br />the staff arrived at the designated destination." <br />President Wilhelm said that this was an <br />excellent suggestion as knowledge may be gained <br />from these meetings. It was requested that re- <br />ports be forthcoming in the future. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded:by Mr. <br />Helmen, a staff of four was authorized for the <br />Relocation Workshop. Motion was unanimously ap- <br />proved. <br />j. Two Automobiles: Mr. L. Glenn Barbe stated'TWO AUTOMOBILES <br />City Council as:aut orized ouriDepartment to pur APPROVED FOR <br />chase an.automobile for City =Wide Relocation Staff, PURCHASE <br />in lieu of leasing'an automobile. One automobile, <br />currently in use, is a 1968 Ford, which!i.s costing <br />a tremendous amount of money for upkeep. Permission <br />was requested from the Commission to trade this <br />automobile in and authorization was requested to <br />advertise for bids for two automobiles. The trade -in <br />automobile will be for staff use. The other purchased <br />vehicle will replace the leased automobile and this <br />will be used by City = Wide Relocation Staff. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. <br />Chenney, authorization was granted to advertise for <br />bids to purchase , two.vehicles,.per -City specifications. <br />k. Proclaimer Certificate and Resolution No. 301: PROCLAIMER <br />Mr. L. Glenn Barbe presented -t the Proc aimer Certi -- CERTIFICATE <br />ficate and Resolution No. 301 to the Commission. RESOLUTION NO.301 <br />The new procedures, contained in HUD circulars, HELD FOR FURTHER <br />would permit local public agencies to certify or REVIEW BY <br />attest to certain facts about their renewal pro- COMMISSION <br />grams rather than having to submit detailed docu- <br />mentation for review and approval by HUD. HUD and <br />NAHRO have agreed to have the LPA's in six cities test <br />the effectiveness of the new procedures. The use <br />of the new proclaimer certificates does not become <br />mandatory until November 15, 1970. <br />The Commission's consensus was that, due to <br />the importance of some of the changes and placement <br />of more responsibility on the executive ā€˛staff, it <br />would be advisable to have an informal meeting with <br />the Commission, Legal Counsel, and the,ipvolved staff,_. <br />for discussion, preferably the early ..part: of next.vfeek,.- <br />The date set for this meeting was Tues0ay, July 7, <br />1970, at 4:00 P.M., in the Commission Office. <br />-10- <br />