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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />Parcel No. Address <br />1 -1 234 N. Michigan Street <br />23 -2 110 Western & 400 -04 <br />South Michigan Street <br />24 -7 213 East Monroe <br />25 -3 432 South Carroll Street <br />The la�t three parcels are located in the Post <br />Office site. <br />On mot on by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />Resolu ion No. 298 was unanimously approved. <br />h. Option Agreements: Approval and authoriza- <br />tion was requested for the President to sign two (2) <br />Option Agreements, in the LaSalle Park Urban Renewal <br />Project, R -57, for the following parcels: <br />Parcel No. Address <br />5 -14 2617 West Holland Street <br />6 -7 2638 Holland Street <br />On mot'on by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, <br />the Op ion Agreements for the above - listed parcels <br />were u animously approved'. <br />i. Option Agreements: Approval and authortzar <br />tion was requested for the President to sign eight <br />(8) Option Agreements, in the Central Downtown Urban <br />Renewal Project, R -66, for the following parcels: <br />Parcel No. Address <br />6 -2 <br />LWE and Jefferson <br />13 -5 <br />232 South St.-Joseph <br />13 -7 <br />223 -225 South Carroll <br />15 -5 <br />317 LWE <br />15 -6 <br />317 LWE <br />16 -4 <br />413 LWE <br />25 -2 <br />402 South Carroll <br />28 -6 <br />503 -565 LWE. <br />On mo 0 on by Mr. Wiggins,,seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />the Op ion Agreements for the above - listed parcels <br />were u animously approved. <br />TWO (2) OPTION AGREE- <br />MENTS APPROVED, PARCEL <br />NOS. 5 -14 & 6 -7, <br />LASALLE PARK URBAN <br />RENEWAL'PROJECT, R -57 <br />EIGHT (8) OPTION AGREE- <br />MENTS APPROVED,.PARCEL <br />NOS. 6--2, 13-5, 13 -7, <br />15 -5, 15 -6, 16 -4, 25-2 <br />& 28-6, CENTRAL DOWNTOWN <br />URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -66 <br />