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6. NE4 BUSINESS <br />a. Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company: <br />Authorization was requested for the appraisers <br />to do all that is necessary in connection with <br />the Grand Trunk Western Railroad Company. Mr. <br />Bruce . Hammerschmidt, Commission Legal Counsel, <br />stated he is trying to tie in the actual ownership <br />of the Grand Trunk from St. Louis Boulevard to <br />Michig n Street. The title work has now been com- <br />pleted by the Abstract Company. There is a discre- <br />pancy etween our appraisers` description and Grand <br />Trunk' . They took appraisals of property not in- <br />cluded in the original assignment. <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Mr. Chenney, <br />the ab Ive-requested'authorization was granted and <br />passed unanimously. <br />b. Demolition and Site Clearance Bids: Author- <br />izatioi to advertise for bids for the demolition of <br />the fo lowing buildings and structures, and site <br />cleara ce, within the Central Downtown Urban Renewal <br />Projec R -66, was requested: <br />32 South Main Street (First Christian Church) <br />32 - 328 South Michigan Street <br />The bi( <br />on the <br />Office <br />On mot - <br />advert- <br />County <br />motion <br />c. <br />reques- <br />LaSal 11 <br />Parcel <br />at 217 <br />$3,500 <br />tation <br />amount <br />$3,680, <br />opening date will be at 1:00 P.M., E.D.T., <br />23rd day of June, 1970,.in the Commission <br />on by Rev. Williams, seconded by Mr. Wiggins, <br />ising in The South Bend Tribune and the Tri- <br />News was authorized for the above. Said <br />was approved unanimously. <br />Rehabilitation Grant: Authorization was <br />;ed for one 1 Rehabilitation Grant,.in the <br />Park Urban Renewal. Project, R -57, for <br />No. 46 -18, in the amount of $3,500, located <br />South Meade Street. Mr. Ebel advised a <br />grant would not cover the complete.rehabili- <br />work and the owner is paying the additional <br />of $180.00, for a total rehabilitation of.. <br />00. <br />On mot on by Mr. <br />the ab ve grant <br />unanim usly. <br />Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams., <br />was authorized and motion carried <br />d. Title Transfer: Approval was requested for <br />the transfer of title and acceptance of Redevelop- <br />ment Agreement to Saints Memorial Church of God in <br />Christ for Parcel No. 14 -15, located at 321 South <br />GRAND TRUNK WESTERN <br />RAILROAD COMPANY, <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />DEMOLITION AND SITE <br />CLEARANCE ADVERTISING, <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />ONE Cl) REHABILITATION <br />GRANT APPROVED, PARCEL <br />NO. 4618, LASALLE PARK <br />URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -57 <br />TITLE TRANSFER APPROVED, <br />PARCEL NO. 14 -155 <br />LASALLE PARK URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R -57 <br />