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7. PRdGRESS REPORTS (Cont'd <br />of these large moves will be approximately <br />$25,00(, another at $20,000. Our staff will <br />be wor ing in close liaison with our Chicago <br />HUD Office to provide supplementary services <br />to these businesses, if possible. <br />8. OU$STION AND ANSWER SESSION <br />Mr!;. Curtis inquired about City -Wide Reloca- <br />tion and President Wilhelm said "we have no com <br />plaint . Mr. Ebel advised Rev.Kirk is on a two - <br />week vacation and will return this coming Monday. <br />Relocation is moving smoothly. Night before last, <br />a fami y with 17 children was moved, and he said <br />this i not an easy move to make. This was in <br />City-Wide Relocation and the family was displaced <br />by our City SubStandard Division. This is a tempo - <br />rary move into one of the Department's owned houses <br />and the family is aware of this. The staff will <br />eventually relocate this family to permanent hous- <br />ing. Mr. Ebel stated that this is one of the reasons <br />we purchase the furniture in these houses so they <br />could be used for temporary relocation purposes. <br />The tenant pays rent to the Department. <br />Mr!;. Janet S. Allen said she is currently <br />working with the County Commissioners to set up <br />a central building to house the Welfare and <br />Health Departments, so the people will not feel <br />they a e being "pushed from pillar to post." <br />At thi point, the Commissioners do not want to <br />build i building for this kind of operation, <br />and Mr;. Allen wondered if this Department may <br />have a y thing available to lease to this combined <br />operation. If we could provide something- -might <br />be for five years - -no sense in having the building <br />stand open. Mrs. Allen stated the County -City <br />Building will cost approximately $30,000 to revamp <br />the floors when the judges' chambers are moved, as <br />there eems to be a constant procession of people. <br />This t pe of traffic is too heavy on this new <br />buildi g. Some floors were to be kept open for <br />expansion and the refinishing of these floors is <br />very e pensive. <br />Pr sident Wilhelm said the Commission will <br />explor this and see what the possibilities, <br />potentials, etc., are and advise at a later date. <br />He inq fired as to when the judges and courts <br />expect to go into their bu,i: ding ?, Mr. F. Jay <br />Nimtz, speaking as Charman-of the -Bar Association, <br />said: "The original completion date was May, 1970, <br />subseq ently moved to September, and is now set for <br />Decemb r, 1970. The contractor is very anxious to <br />-9- <br />QUESTION AND ANSWER <br />SESSION <br />CENTRAL BUILDING REQUEST <br />FOR WELFARE AND HEALTH <br />DEPARTMENTS <br />