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8. QUOSTION AND ANSWER SESSION (Cont'd <br />go over there. The traffic is tremendous in <br />this building. The lawyers and courts are very <br />anxious to move. How firm the December date is <br />Idontknow." <br />Mr. Helmen stated that Mrs. Allen's report about <br />five years from now is rather pessimistic and he <br />certai ly hopes that it will be much less than <br />five y ars from now. Mrs. Allen remarked that <br />this operation is supposed to take ten. Mr. <br />Wiggins stated that we have already surpassed <br />the fi e years in getting the project approved. <br />Mr. Helmen said we are acquiring real estate <br />in the downtown area and we now have owner <br />tenant situation. He asked what we are doing <br />insofar as our tenants are concerned in collect- <br />ing re t and on what basis are they paying rent- - <br />if this has been established or not? Mr. Miller <br />stated that we do execute a lease and the rent' <br />is favorable to the tenant. HUD provides that <br />we cannot charge more rent than the tenant paid <br />before. If no rent has been paid, it is gener- <br />ally based on 1% of the selling price. Mr. <br />Helmen asked if we are collecting rent now? Mr. <br />Miller advised we have a 30 -day grace period <br />after purchase for the owners, and owner <br />occupant 60 days. We have lease agreements <br />with these people. Mr. Ebel stated we have an <br />established property management division to handle <br />the accounts and that it will be located in our <br />Downtown Site Office. President Wilhelm stated <br />that this is well defined by HUD as to what we <br />can and cannot do. <br />9. NEXTT MEETING <br />Th next regular meeting of the Redevelopment NEXT MEETING, <br />Commission will be at 10:30 A.M., Friday, June 5, JUNE 5, 1970 <br />1970, in the Office of the Department of Redevelop- <br />ment. <br />10. ADJOURNMENT <br />On <br />the me <br />rl L. <br />otion duly made and passed by Mr. Helmen, <br />in adjourned at 11 :15 A.M. <br />,-Executive Director <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />(SEAL) I -10- <br />