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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont "d <br />in between Commission meetings. Motion for approval <br />of concurrence was made by Mr. 99gtns, seconded by <br />Mr. Hel en, and unanimously approved by the Commis:- <br />sioners. <br />g. <br />NAHRO <br />Annual Regional Council Meeting: <br />NARRO ANNUAL. REGIONAL <br />Authorization <br />was requested for staff member to at- -COUNCIL <br />MEETING, JUNE <br />tend th.E <br />NAHRO <br />Annual Regional Council Meeting, June <br />9 THROUGH 13, 1970, <br />9 through <br />13, <br />1970, in Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Barbe <br />DES MOINES, IQWA <br />stated <br />several <br />of the Board of Directors are on tie <br />Rehabilitation <br />Committee and Non - Rehabilitation Com- <br />mittee <br />nd covers <br />Region No. 4, identical to HUD region, <br />and he <br />ould like <br />to attend the Conference. <br />On moti n by Mr. Chenney, seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />Mr. L. lenn B arbe was authorized to attend the NARRO <br />Annual Regional Council Meeting. The registration <br />fee per NAHRO member is $25.00. Said motion was unani- <br />mously qpproved. <br />h. New Member of the Board of Trustees: Presi- <br />dent Wilhelm introduced Mr. Albert E. Garnitz, who has <br />been ap ointed by Mayor Lloyd M. Allen as a member <br />of the outh Bend Redevelopment Trustees, as nominated <br />by the ircuit Court Judge. Mr. Garnitz replaces Mr, <br />Byron W Sheets, who has resigned and had served as <br />Preside t of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Sheets had <br />introdu ed Mr. Garnitz to the Commissioners, Trustees <br />present and the executive staff prior to the Executive <br />Session of the Commission Meeting. <br />Preside t Wilhelm, on his and the Commission's behalf, <br />extende a warm welcome to Mr. Garnitz and said: "We <br />are gla to have you with us, believe me." <br />7. PROGRESS REPORTS <br />NEW MEMBER <br />BOARD OF TRUSTEES. <br />a. Downtown Negotiations: Mr. Ebel stated DQWNTOWN NEGOTIATIONS, <br />that we now have a total of fifty -three (53) options R -66 <br />signed, with a total dollar value of $2,085,946.00 <br />in the entral Downtown Urban Renewal Project, R-,66. <br />One add tional option was signed this morning. <br />b. Business Relocation: Mr. Harrison Miller, <br />Business Relocation Director, reported the current <br />total workload amounts to 203 business concerns <br />and non profit organizations. The workload was <br />adjuste from the survey and planning phase w[7i'ch <br />involve 223 businesses. In the next sever61-mont4s,' <br />several large business concerns will be moved." <br />-8- <br />BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />RENEWAL PROJECT, R46 <br />L <br />