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6. NEW BUSINESS (Cont`d) <br />to c ndemn eight specific pieces of property. This <br />woulJ also notify the owners that for -the next ten <br />(10) days'the'Department of Redevelopment will still <br />negotiate for the property. <br />Mr. Helmen said that after this 10 -day period it <br />will mean that we have negotiated the limit and <br />can go no further. Mr. Wilhelm stated that the <br />Commission has to accept, under Indiana Taw, an <br />average of three individual appraisals and-the <br />Commission has no authority to negotiate above this <br />set amoutn. If the price is not satisfactory to <br />the property owners, it is up to the Court to poll <br />the arbitrator, or determining factor, on what the <br />determining price should be on a given property. <br />The Chair entertained a motion to approve the <br />resolution authorizing the Department of Redevelop <br />men to mail the letters of notification to the <br />pro erty owners. Said motion was made by Mr. Helmen, <br />sec nded by Mr. Chenney, and unanimously carried. <br />7. (PROGRESS REPORTS <br />a. Business Relocation: Mr. Harrison Miller <br />stated that everything seems to be'in excellent <br />shape. Several business concerns in the post office, <br />SitE are arranging for moving in mid June and early <br />Jul . These firms -have elected to make their plans <br />well in advance of the actual moving date in an <br />effort to accomplish a smoother transition from <br />.their old location to the new. Two additional Small. <br />Bus ness Administration Loans have been secured by <br />sit occupants for the construction of new buildings; <br />one for $225,000 and the other $45,000. To date, 173 <br />informational statements have been distributed. <br />President Wilhelm stated there has been some "confus�lon <br />as to the actual dates the tenants must vacate. In <br />ord r to avoid any misunderstandings he. suggested the <br />date be stressed as to when the tenant must vacate <br />the building and the scheduled date when the land <br />will be cleared and be'ready for development,: The <br />tenant must have a definite understanding on these <br />two points. <br />It <br />to <br />ter <br />the <br />►as agreed this information could be passed on <br />:he tenants by letters. Mr. Ebel stated the tn- <br />ival dates will vary as we go along and cannot 6e <br />same for every parcel. <br />BUSINESS RELOCATION, <br />CENTRAL DOWNTOWN <br />URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, <br />R -66 <br />