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0 <br />BUSINESS (Cont'd <br />On m tion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />the bove - stated grants were,authorized and.motion <br />unanimously carried. <br />Mrs. Janet S. Allen asked where we get' the contractors <br />list. President Wilhelm stated that it is rather <br />difficult to get contractors for this .type, <br />and the ones we have are generally doing,a good job. <br />The project properties are inspected by our rehabili- <br />tati n staff. The properties must meet code require- <br />ment3. If the properties are substandard, they must be <br />reha`ilitated to code or scheduled for demolition. The <br />prop rty owners select a contractor of their choice and <br />the epartment of Redevelopment acts as the owners' <br />agen with the rehabilitation staff inspecting the work <br />to s e it meets with the owners' satisfaction and the <br />work bid. The Building Department inspects the rehabi- <br />lita ion work to see that it meets code requirements. <br />. Demolition for Post Office Site: Authoriza- DEMOLITION ADVERTISING <br />tion was requested for permission to advertise for AUTHORIZED FOR POST <br />demolition contract bids for.the post office site, in OFFICE STTE,,CENTRAL <br />the entral Downtown Urban Renewal Project, R -66. DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -66 <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />advertising for demolition contract bids for the <br />post office site was authorized and motion unanimously, <br />carried. <br />Mr. llelmen inquired if this would cover office <br />site only? President Wilhelm stated it will be for <br />this site only and the bids will be on a total package <br />or unit basis, and the pricfng will be on alternative <br />bids <br />. Resolution No. 294: President Wilhelm re- RESOLUTION NO. 294, <br />ques ed a formal resolution be drawn to submit a CONDEMNATION NOTICE, <br />formal notification to the owners of property that CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />it is the intent of the Department of Redevelopment RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />-7- <br />. Rehabilitation Grants.:....Authorization was <br />FIVE (5) REHABILITATION <br />requested <br />for <br />five 5 Rehabi'litation.Grants, in <br />GRANTS.APPROVED, PARCEL <br />the <br />LaSalle Park <br />Urban Renewal Project, <br />R- 57,.for <br />NOS. 1-15,19-9, 26 -8, <br />the <br />following <br />parcels: <br />34 -4 & 35 -2, LASALLE <br />PARK URBAN RENEWAL <br />Parcel No. <br />Address <br />Cost <br />PROJECT, R -57 <br />-15 <br />126 South Meade St. <br />$:3,485.00 <br />9 -9 <br />230 North Kenmore St. <br />_3,500.00 <br />6 -8 <br />126 South Illinois St. <br />3,500.00 <br />4 -4 <br />214 South Illinois St. <br />3,500.00 <br />5 -2 <br />326 South Wellington St.. <br />3,500..00 <br />On m tion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />the bove - stated grants were,authorized and.motion <br />unanimously carried. <br />Mrs. Janet S. Allen asked where we get' the contractors <br />list. President Wilhelm stated that it is rather <br />difficult to get contractors for this .type, <br />and the ones we have are generally doing,a good job. <br />The project properties are inspected by our rehabili- <br />tati n staff. The properties must meet code require- <br />ment3. If the properties are substandard, they must be <br />reha`ilitated to code or scheduled for demolition. The <br />prop rty owners select a contractor of their choice and <br />the epartment of Redevelopment acts as the owners' <br />agen with the rehabilitation staff inspecting the work <br />to s e it meets with the owners' satisfaction and the <br />work bid. The Building Department inspects the rehabi- <br />lita ion work to see that it meets code requirements. <br />. Demolition for Post Office Site: Authoriza- DEMOLITION ADVERTISING <br />tion was requested for permission to advertise for AUTHORIZED FOR POST <br />demolition contract bids for.the post office site, in OFFICE STTE,,CENTRAL <br />the entral Downtown Urban Renewal Project, R -66. DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL <br />PROJECT, R -66 <br />On motion by Mr. Wiggins, seconded by Rev. Williams, <br />advertising for demolition contract bids for the <br />post office site was authorized and motion unanimously, <br />carried. <br />Mr. llelmen inquired if this would cover office <br />site only? President Wilhelm stated it will be for <br />this site only and the bids will be on a total package <br />or unit basis, and the pricfng will be on alternative <br />bids <br />. Resolution No. 294: President Wilhelm re- RESOLUTION NO. 294, <br />ques ed a formal resolution be drawn to submit a CONDEMNATION NOTICE, <br />formal notification to the owners of property that CENTRAL DOWNTOWN URBAN <br />it is the intent of the Department of Redevelopment RENEWAL PROJECT, R -66 <br />-7- <br />