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F RTHER RESOLVED that this matter be submitted to the Common <br />C uncil of the City of South Bend for approval as well as to <br />tie HHFA prior to letting any contracts or proceeding with <br />a y work under said Feasibility Study. <br />V. ENGINEERING PLANS <br />Mr. Joseph Fragomeni, of Chas. W. Cole & Son, Engineers and Architect$ <br />submitt agreement to render certain engineering advice and tech - <br />nical assistance in connection with the preparation of plans and speci- <br />ficatio s for the improvement of Sample Street Area Project, Indiana <br />R -7. Tie contract was submitted to Mr'. F'rederick'K.*Baer, LPA Counsel, <br />for review. Upon motion made by,Mr. Helmen, seconded by Mr. Place, <br />and unanimously carried,,the Commission authorized the execution of <br />the engineering contract with Chas. W. Cole & Son, Engineers and <br />Architects, 3600 East Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, with the <br />provisi n that prior to delivery of the executed contract to the <br />enginee ing firm, that the contract be submitted to HHFA for approval. <br />VI. R�USE APPRAISAL CONTRACTS <br />Mr. Sucher advised the Commission that Urban Renewal Administration <br />suggested to the City of South Bend Redevelopment Department that <br />land be made available for sale in the Sample Street Project Area <br />by next construction season (next summer). They requested that all -- <br />disposition papers be drafted now; also that second and third reuse <br />appraisals be obtained before the land can be disposed of. All <br />disposition prices will have to be recommended to the Housing and <br />Home Fi ance Agency in Chicago,, for concurrence, and said amounts will <br />then be the minimum disposition price. Mr. Sucher was instructed to <br />write tD Mid - America Appraisal Corp., 134 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, <br />Illinois, and Roy Wenzlick & Company, 706 Chestnut St., St. Louis, <br />Missouri, advising them their proposals have been approved and to <br />request copies of forms of contract for appraisal of redevelopment <br />sites executed by them. Mid - America is to be advised that the <br />Commission has authorized a contract with them, provided the fee will <br />be reduced to $1600, which would equal the amount bid by Roy Wenzlick <br />& Co. On motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the <br />aforementioned firms are to be hired for the reuse appraisal job on <br />the Sam le Street Project Area, Number Indiana R- 7,.provided the <br />services of each can be obtained for $1600. <br />Elm <br />