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VII. PROGRESS REPORT <br />Mr. Sucher reported to the Commission that the Urban LaSalle <br />Renewal Commissioner is working with the FHA Commission- Park____ <br />er on releasing the boarded up FHA units in the LaSalle District <br />Park District for rental to families in the Sample Street <br />Areas and that we should hear within a short time regard- <br />ing their decision. <br />Mr. Sucher informed the Commission that upon consulting _Large-Family <br />with Mr. J. L. Dickinson, of the South Bend Housing Units <br />Authority, Mr. Dickinson informed him that in cases of <br />large families needing rental property, they are authorized <br />to ren two units to one family. <br />Mr. Bi licki, Relocation Supervisor, reported to the Relocation <br />Commission of instances in the Sample Street Area where Report <br />tenants consisting of adults are behind in rent payment, <br />and requested and received permission to evict these <br />tenants, inasmuch as they are not making effort to find <br />other ellings. <br />Mr. Sucher <br />reported that Mr. Baer <br />would <br />like authority <br />Letters <br />from the <br />Commission to write registered <br />letters offering <br />- Preparatory <br />homeowners <br />the average appraisal <br />price, <br />where no option <br />to Filing <br />has been <br />secured, preparatory to <br />filing <br />of condemnation <br />Condemnation <br />suits. <br />On motion of Mr. Helmen, <br />seconded by Mr. Place, <br />Suits <br />this recommendation was unanimously approved. <br />The Commission was informed that owner of parcel 12 -47 Parcel <br />had spent $500 for installation of heating unit in his 12-»47 <br />home since the appraisal of his property. Mr. Baer <br />suggested reappraisal be made on basis of expenditures <br />made since the original appraisal. The recommendation <br />was approved by the Commissioners. <br />Mr. Sucher reported that around 210 parcels have been <br />purchased to date... <br />Mayor Frank J. Bruggner appeared in person at the meeting and commended <br />the entire board on the splendid work that has been performed by them <br />up to this time. <br />Meetings adjourned 11 :55 a.m. <br />1 <br />s Q. <br />President <br />-5- <br />