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The federal deadline for all of these reports, which are all prerequiaites for the comple- <br />tion of our Sample Street Area project is July 13, 1960. <br />In answer t� Mr. William's inquiry, Mr. Huff stated that all four reports could be com- <br />something <br />notify Mr. <br />In such cas <br />The 1 Febr <br />Federal Re <br />should be a <br />been tighter <br />!anning Department by 1 February 1960. Mr. Huff also stipulated that if <br />reseen prevents him from meeting the specified completion date, he would <br />er immediately, and Mr. Sucher, in turn, would notify the Commissioners.. <br />, services of a consultant would be considered. <br />1960 deadline should be met, if at all possible, to allow time for the <br />in order to meet the federal deadline of 13 July 1960. Sufficient time <br />i for this review, especially since requirements along this line have <br />4. RESIGNATION OF STAFF SECRETARY <br />Because of a proposed out -of -town move, Miss Block, staff secretary, submitted her <br />resignation to Mr. Sucher, and Mr. Sucher, in turn, reported the resignation to the <br />Commission. Thgraccepted same, and directed Mr. Sucher to take the necessary steps <br />to obtain a replacement. Miss Block's employment terminates on September 30, 1959. <br />Commissio confirmation will be sought before the new staff secretary is permanently <br />appointed. <br />5. PROPOSED 2ND PROJECT*.DOVINTOWN RENEWAL AREA <br />The descri tion of the proposed Downtown Renewal Project is as follows: <br />DOWNTOW RENEWAL AREA <br />Amount (Re uested Grant Reservation) $2,018,700 <br />Description <br />North right of way line of Washington, the southwest Bank of the St. Joseph River, <br />the north ri ht of way line of the Grand Trunk Spur on Western Avenue, and the <br />western rig t of way line of St. Joseph Street to the Point of Beginning. <br />After a brie discussion of same, a resolution .regarding submission of the downtown <br />renewal project area, under the 7556 grant allocation, vas adopted upon motion made <br />by Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Koczan, and unaminously passed. Mr. Sucher was <br />instructed to defer definite action thereon in the submital of an application pending the <br />outcome of 1he Federal Housing legislation. <br />6. REPOPLTS ON COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP <br />Reports on ommittee Membership will be taken up at the October Meeting, as many <br />of the propo ed members are now on vacation and could not be contacted at this time, <br />-3- <br />