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M <br />7. PRIOGRESS REPORT <br />Mr. S <br />the an <br />Recertil <br />recently <br />gress of <br />Neighbo <br />tion, U. <br />(The fir <br />Apprais <br />be coma <br />r commented that we have received our first federal advance check in <br />of $34 521, 00, for the Sample Street Project survey and planning costs. <br />cation of the Workable Program, a necessary federal requirement, has <br />been submitted, over the Mayor's signature. This includes report of pro - <br />such items as Codes and Ordinances, Comprehensive Community Plan, <br />hood Analysis, Administrative Organization, Relocation, Citizen Participa- <br />t. Financing. <br />and second set of Acquisition Appi <br />a have already begun in the Sample <br />ted by October 30, 1959. <br />sisals) <br />Street Area. These appraisals should <br />Mr. Ha ley W. D'Eath of the Housing and Home Finance Agency of Chicago recently <br />met wit Mr. Place and Mr. Sucher for discussion of theGity's application for 115 <br />units of relocation housing. We will be notified shortly of the decision. <br />8. TRIP TO EVANSVILLE, IND . <br />Since Evansville is in the acquisition stage of their redevelopment project, Mr. <br />Sucher 1hought it worthwhile if Mr. Baer and himself made a 1 -day trip there to . <br />be well informed on their acquisition and other procedures, information which <br />would be most valuable to us at this time. <br />Mr. 4is made a motion to approve the trip, and Mr. Williams seconded it. All <br />unanusly agreed. <br />The tri� will be made on Friday, September 25, and Mr. Sucher will give a full <br />report t the October meeting. <br />9. ANNUAL MEETING - NAHRO October 18 -21 Cincinnati <br />Mr. Sucher mentioned that this NAHRO Conference should be well worth the <br />attendance. Mr. Place and he had attended the NAHRO Conference in California <br />last year, and since the Conference will be held in Cincinnati this year, thought <br />it possible for any of the Commission members who so desired, to attend. <br />The ab a was discussed briefly, and will be brought up again at the next meeting <br />for deft ite decision as to attendance. <br />10. PUBLIC LIABILITY and NON- OV`1NED AUTOMOBILE COVER- <br />AGE <br />_. The Urban Renewal Administration has requested Automobile (Non - Ownership) and <br />Public 4iability Insurance. (On business conducted at or from the Agency's Office) <br />Covers a for this office. <br />-4- -.. <br />