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(4) SELEC <br />Mr. Koczar <br />it was unan: <br />,TION OF ACQUISITION APPRAISERS <br />introduced the following resolution. Mr. Helmen seconded it, and <br />.mously carried. <br />RESOLUTION <br />WHE.REAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, has determined that <br />the four appraisers selected possess qualifications justifying the expectation that <br />they will furnish appraisal reports on which the Commission and the Housing & Home <br />Finance Agency can act with confidence, and that they will be able to support their <br />conclusion capably in the event of investigation or court proceedings; <br />AND WHEREAS, the appraisers have represented to the satisfaction of the <br />South Bend Redevelopment Commission that they do not have any interest, present <br />or prospec ive, that could reasonably be construed either to impair their ability <br />to furnish impartial reports, or to raise any question as to their impartiality or <br />fairne s s; <br />AN �`IHEREAS, the proposed contracts conform to the Housing & Home <br />Finance Ag ncy standard form of appraisal contract #H -639; <br />of inquiries <br />that the coi <br />(a) <br />(b) <br />(c) <br />AN] <br />will fulfill <br />of the prof( <br />WHEREAS, the South Bend Redevelopment Commission, on the basis <br />among other users of professional appraisal services has determined <br />pensation to be paid is: <br />fair and proper under all circumstances; <br />at rates that do not exceed what typically would be paid <br />in the locality for equivalent services, based on com- <br />pensation that has been paid and is being paid by <br />others for similar services; <br />the compensation to be paid is within the limitation of the <br />approved budget on the amount available for such services. <br />) WHEREAS, the proposed contract for the selected appraisers' services <br />:he needs and requirements of the project and will best serve the interest <br />;ct with due regard for the objective of holding the expense to a minimum; <br />