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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(7) continued... <br />integrated into neighborhoods. And, in <br />addition to that, when you say "only do <br />ballparks" they are one of the largest <br />architectural firms in the country. The part <br />of the firm that we hired did the original <br />design for this ballpark, so we see that as a <br />potential major asset to these three square <br />blocks in the southern part of downtown. So <br />it would certainly be illogical for us not to <br />consider including that major asset. But it is <br />not by any means a foregone conclusion that <br />there will be a new entrance to the ballpark. <br />MR. MANIGAULT: Right, but what I'm <br />saying, Jeff, is that's a tax paying property. <br />What's going to happen, that property is <br />going to become part of a public parks <br />development that comes off the tax rolls.. . <br />MR. GIBNEY: If it does, right. <br />MR. MANIGAULT: No, you have a plan <br />that you presented on downtown <br />revitalization that says you are going to have <br />a new entrance for the ballpark. Now is that <br />true or not? <br />MR. SCHALLIOL: If I can speak to that, <br />Jeff. There's seventeen acres on that corner, <br />in this immediate Gates planning area. It <br />won't take seventeen acres to build a new <br />entrance to the ballpark. <br />MR. MANIGAULT: No, but I've read the <br />plan that you have. The plan talks about park <br />environment, so that you can integrate people <br />43 <br />