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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(7) continued... <br />natural boundaries for the planning process. <br />We would assume that before the planning <br />process has been completed, Taylor Street <br />would be the western edge of the residential <br />portion of the neighborhood. So, Cleo's <br />property is right at that Taylor Street <br />intersection. We look at some of the other <br />boundaries and I've looked out my office <br />window on the twelfth floor of the County- <br />City Building. About 60% of the land that I <br />see is hard surface. It is currently parking <br />lot. Gates Chevrolet family has been a <br />wonderful steward of that business over <br />many years, but as they begin to leave that <br />site, the more logical future for those parking <br />lots would be a series of used car lots. We're <br />very concerned about that. Particularly car <br />lots under multiple ownership and <br />management as opposed to one single family. <br />So, we really feel that now is the time to gain <br />site control. Again, the majority of the areas <br />that we are talking about are hard surface. <br />The synagogue, I see some preservation folks <br />here, it could end up staying at that site. <br />We're not sure. If it were to be relocated, <br />which is what our hope would be if it doesn't <br />stay at that site, that it would be relocated <br />within atwo-to-three block square area, <br />somewhere along the Western Avenue <br />corridor or the Chapin Street corridor. Also, <br />Bill mentioned about the apartment complex. <br />We are working with WNIT right now on a <br />wonderful move into downtown South Bend, <br />making a $6. SM improvement to the current <br />WSBT building. That project would also <br />interface with Herrman and Goetz on the <br />35 <br />