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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(7) continued... <br />same block. We're really looking at some <br />parcels that are critical to preplanning. The <br />boundaries represent about three square <br />blocks. If you look at some of the properties <br />that Gates is not using right now, they take <br />on the appearance of used car lots that you <br />might see along Western Avenue or <br />Lincolnway, with eight-foot chain link <br />fences, barbed wire across the top, <br />abandoned cars and car parts strewn within <br />those parking lots. That is certainly not <br />going to encourage any development. We <br />are preparing for that plan so that when we <br />finish and have recommendations that we <br />will see significant private sector interest. <br />MR. PECZKOWSKI: Is WNIT going to <br />take the WSBT property off the tax rolls? <br />Are they going to be non-profit as far as their <br />status in that building? <br />MR. GIBNEY: They are anon-profit <br />agency. That's correct. <br />MR. KING: Back to this particular proposal. <br />All of these properties are within the area <br />that was defined as the planning area that the <br />consulting firm, HOK, is to address. So, the <br />purpose is to make sure that we will have site <br />control of any properties that we need. <br />Ms. Jones opened the public hearing for PusLic HEARING oN RESOLUTION N0.2385 <br />anyone who wished to be heard regarding <br />Resolution No. 2385. <br />ROBERT MEDHURST: I'm a realtor for <br />36 <br />