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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(7) continued... <br />Wayne and Taylor. The property is a key <br />parcel in a proposed residential infill project <br />or could serve as a structure to be relocated <br />to another corridor in the event that the <br />master planning suggests another use for the <br />Taylor St. properties. The Center City <br />housing parcel is a property outside of the <br />Coveleski Neighborhood planning area, but <br />it's a property that the owner wants to donate <br />to the city through the Redevelopment <br />Commission. The parcel is adjacent to land <br />owned by WSBT and would be used as a <br />development site within the WNIT project <br />coming to downtown. It is a dilapidated <br />structure that's been boarded up for years. <br />The last parcels are properties immediately <br />adjacent to the Gates properties, owned by <br />Chris Wood. It is the former synagogue on <br />William St. We would propose to save the <br />synagogue, perhaps moving it to another <br />location within the planning area. <br />Mr. Schalliol noted that staff is requesting <br />that these properties be added to the <br />acquisition list, with the potential to be <br />acquired at some time in the future. <br />MR. PECZKOWSKI: The way that I <br />understood the project, we're going to <br />reconfigure the entrance to the ballpark via <br />the Western and Lafayette corner? That will <br />be the primary entrance, as opposed to South <br />and Taylor Streets? <br />MR. SCHALLIOL: Yes. To better enhance <br />the Cove and allow for some development <br />33 <br />