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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br />Rescheduled Regular Meeting -November 2, 2007 <br />6. NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Public Hearing <br />(4) continued... <br />Development Plan. Mr. Blake seconded the <br />motion. The vote was four in favor. Mr. <br />Peczkowski abstained. The motion carried. <br />(5) Public Hearing on Resolution No. 2384 <br />revising the appropriation of monies for <br />the purpose of defraying the expenses of <br />certain local public improvements for the <br />fiscal year beginning January 1, 2007 and <br />ending December 31, 2007, including all <br />outstanding claims and obligations, fixing <br />a time when the same shall take effect. <br />(Michigan St. Shops Budget) <br />Mr. Inks noted that the public hearing file is <br />complete, containing the following items. <br />(1) A copy of the Notice of Hearing; (2) A <br />copy of Resolution No. 2384; (3) An <br />affidavit from Carol Smith of the South Bend <br />Tribune that the notice of hearing was <br />published in that newspaper on October 19, <br />2007; (4) An affidavit from Richard <br />Andrysiak of the Tri-County News that the <br />notice of hearing was published in that <br />newspaper on October 19, 2007. <br />Ms. Leonard noted that Resolution No. 2384 <br />adjusts the original budget for the first floors <br />of the Leighton and Wayne Street garages, <br />the plaza at Leighton, and the Michigan <br />Street Shops. The staff at CB Richard Ellis <br />has worked hard to analyze all of the <br />changes, allowing for adequate resources to <br />take care of the necessary maintenance and <br />operate the facilities up to Commission <br />standards. <br />23 <br />