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(a) Violators shall be issued a citation and fined by a law enforcement officer or animal <br /> control officer Animal Welfare Officer as follows: <br /> (b) Upon finding of violations of this eChapter, the City may seek injunctive relief through <br /> the court which may order relinquishment of an animal(s) deemed to be a public safety risk <br /> and/or a repetitive public nuisance that has not been abated or an animal that is a victim of <br /> cruelty, neglect, or abandonment, to the ' ':- • •'•- . . - Division of <br /> Animal Welfare for disposition. <br /> (c) In the event that an animal is retained at the Division of Animal Care and Control <br /> Division of Animal Welfare because its owner or harborer has been in violation of this <br /> eChapter,the person redeeming the animal by paying the prescribed fees shall also be required <br /> to pay the costs incurred by the • • ': - • •• . : Division of Animal <br /> Welfare for impoundment and caring for including but not limited to: .... <br /> SECTION XI. Chapter 5,Article 9 and certain subparts of Sections 5-121 and 5-123 of the <br /> South Bend Municipal Code are amended to read as follows: <br /> Sec. 5-121. Permits and administration. <br /> (c) An application for a license or renewal of a license shall be made to the <br /> Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare.... The horse shall be identified by breed, age, <br /> sex, color,markings, and the location of the stables where the horse is to be kept,recorded on <br /> a veterinary certificate provided by the ' : : • •• . - . - Division of <br /> Animal Welfare.... <br /> (d) The annual fee per working animal license or renewal shall be one hundred dollars($100.00) <br /> for carriage horses and ten dollars ($10.00) for riding horses; and shall be paid upon <br /> submission of an application to the ' • -•- . . - . : : Division of Animal <br /> Welfare. <br /> (f) An owner or operator of a rental horse business shall keep an accurate daily record of the <br /> movement of each licensed horse when in the city limits including driver's name, horse's <br /> identification number, vehicle license plate number, time of leaving stable and time of return <br /> to stable. Such records shall be kept on the premises of the stable where rental horses are kept <br /> or maintained and shall be made available to the ` -.. •• - . . • ••• . . <br /> Control Division of Animal Welfare upon request. <br /> (g) An owner or operator of a rental horse business shall make the stable (if located within the <br /> city limits) in which horses used in the rental business are kept open for inspection at all <br /> reasonable time by authorized personnel of the • -•- . . - •. . : Division <br /> of Animal Welfare to enforce the provisions of this aArticle. <br /> Sec. 5-123. Regulations. <br /> (c) Certified weights of all horses and horse drawn vehicles shall be registered with the Division <br /> of Animal Care and control Division of Animal Welfare annually. At the discretion of the <br /> ' ' '. • -•- . . - . . : : Division of Animal Welfare, when supported by the <br /> opinion of a consulting veterinarian, a rental horse within a business may be restricted in <br /> regard to pulling/riding capacity,based on individual characteristics and abilities. <br /> (k) Every horse whose use requires a license hereunder shall be examined by a veterinarian <br /> prior to its use in a rental horse business, and thereafter at intervals of not less than once a <br /> year. The horse shall be examined and treated for internal parasites. Its general physical <br /> condition shall be evaluated,which examination shall include but not be limited to,inspection <br /> of teeth,hooves, and shoes, and for its physical ability to perform the work or duties required <br /> of it.The examination shall also include a record of any injury,disease,or deficiency observed <br /> by the veterinarian at the time,together with any prescription or professional recommendation <br /> regarding humane correction or disposition of the same. An Indiana health certificate <br /> containing the above information and signed by the examining veterinarian shall be <br /> 15 <br />