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Sec. 5-107. Notice to owner. <br /> (b) <br /> (3) Cooperation of effort with other governmental and private agencies,such as the Humane <br /> Society of St. Joseph County or other humane and/or breed rescue organizations <br /> recognized by the . - . . - . . • .• ' •. • Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> Sec. 5-108. Redemption. <br /> (a) A person may reclaim an animal in the custody of the Division of Animal Care and Control <br /> Division of Animal Welfare upon providing the following: <br /> (2) Payment of redemption fee and any other service/medical fees, as approved by the <br /> Shelter Manager Animal Resource Center Manager. <br /> (3) It shall be mandatory that any dog or cat not displaying a current city pet registration or <br /> current identification tag if not a city resident, affixed to its collar, after the effective date <br /> of this eChapter,upon its redemption by its owner, and prior to its release by the Division <br /> of Animal Care and Control Division of Animal Welfare, be implanted with a microchip <br /> and registered for purposes of identification and recovery.... <br /> (b) Stray or at-large animals will be held three(3)business days at the Division of Animal Care <br /> and Control Division of Animal Welfare. <br /> (c) Unclaimed animals become the property of the Division of Animal Care and Control <br /> Division of Animal Welfare and may be placed for adoption,transferred to rescue or humanely <br /> euthanized, pursuant to Section 5-106. <br /> Sec. 5-109. Inspections and entry on property. <br /> (a) Whenever it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of or perform <br /> any duty imposed by this eChapter or when there is probable cause to believe that there exists <br /> in any building or upon any premises any violation of the provisions of this eChapter or State <br /> law,the • -- . e r - Animal Welfare Officer or Health Officer or police officer is <br /> authorized at all reasonable times to inspect the same for compliance with the provisions of <br /> this eChapter or any state law;provided that: <br /> (b) In the event the • -'•-. e r - Animal Welfare Officer, County Health Officer or <br /> his or her designee or police officer has probable cause to believe that the keeping or <br /> maintaining of an animal is so hazardous, unsafe or dangerous as to require immediate <br /> inspection to safeguard the animal or the public health or safety,the officer shall first present <br /> proper credentials and request entry, explaining the reasons therefor.... <br /> Sec. 5-110. Disposition of fees, donations and bequests. <br /> (a) All money generated,received or collected as the result of payment of fees required by this <br /> chapter shall be deposited into the Division of Animal Care and Control Welfare fund. <br /> (b) All money received by the Division of Animal rare and Control Welfare through donations, <br /> gifts, bequests or devises shall be payable to the City Controller and deposited into the fund <br /> 217. The expenditure of funds shall be subject to all state and local appropriation and <br /> purchasing requirements. <br /> (c) All money generated, received or collected in response to the Division of Animal Welfare's <br /> special fund-raising projects shall be payable to the Division of Animal Care and Control <br /> Welfare and shall be deposited into the appropriate fund and shall be used in a manner <br /> consistent with the announced purpose of any special fund-raising event or project. No <br /> expenditure may be made from these funds unless first approved by the Shelter Animal <br /> Resource Center Manager.The expenditure of funds from the dedicated animal control special <br /> projects fund shall be subject to all state and local appropriation and purchasing requirements. <br /> Sec. 5-111. Penalties. <br /> 14 <br />